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  1. The Ugaritic writing system is a Cuneiform Abjad (consonantal alphabet) with syllabic elements used from around either 1400 BCE or 1300 BCE for Ugaritic, an extinct Northwest Semitic language, and discovered in Ugarit (modern Ras Al Shamra), Syria, in 1928. It has 30 letters.

    • Ugaritic Texts

      The Ugaritic texts are a corpus of ancient cuneiform texts...

    • Ugaritic

      The Ugaritic alphabet is a cuneiform script used beginning...

  2. El alfabeto ugarítico es un alfabeto consonántico cuneiforme que fue empleado alrededor de 1500 a. C. para representar gráficamente el idioma ugarítico, una extinta lengua cananita, descubierta en Ugarit, en la actual Siria, en 1928. Este sistema de escritura poseía 31 letras.

  3. El alfabeto ugarítico es un abjad cuneiforme extinguido que comenzó a ser utilizado hacia el siglo XV antes de Cristo y representa el sistema más antiguo entre los de escritura alfabética de las lenguas semíticas noroccidentales ( fenicio, arameo, hebreo ).

  4. Ugaritic cuneiform outwardly resembles other cuneiform scripts and has a sound system based on consonant alphabets such as Phoenician/Canaanite . Ugaritic was generally written from left to right in horizontal rows, though there are examples of it written in the opposite direction. Words were divided with a slash, no other punctuation was used.

  5. Ugaritic alphabet, cuneiform writing system used on the Syrian coast from the 15th to 13th century bc. It is believed that it was invented independent of other cuneiform writing systems and of the linear North Semitic alphabet, though similarities in certain letters suggest that it may have been.