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  1. Baugeschichte des Tower of London. Die Baugeschichte des Tower of London spannt sich über fast 1000 Jahre. Auf den Resten der römischen Stadtmauer Londons ließ Wilhelm der Eroberer ab 1066 eine Burg und ab 1077/78 den White Tower, den ältesten erhaltenen Teil des Tower of London, errichten.

  2. The city of London shall enjoy all its ancient liberties and free customs, both by land and by water. We also will and grant that all other cities, boroughs, towns, and ports shall enjoy all their liberties and free customs. I believe that one of them is that the Monarch cannot enter the city without permission.

  3. Tower of London, oficiálny názov His Majesty's Palace and Fortress, The Tower of London (slov.: Pevnosť a palác Jeho Veličenstva, Tower of London) je historická pamiatka v strede Londýna, na severnom brehu rieky Temže. Nachádza sa v mestskom obvode Tower Hamlets a od východného okraja City of London ho oddeľuje otvorené ...

  4. Liberty of the Clink. The Liberty of the Clink was an area in Southwark, on the south bank of the River Thames, opposite the City of London. Although situated in Surrey the liberty was exempt from the jurisdiction of the county's sheriff and was under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Winchester who was usually either the Chancellor or ...

  5. The Worshipful Company of Parish Clerks is one of the Guilds of the City of London. It has no livery, because "in the 16th century, the Parish Clerks declined to take the Livery on the grounds that the surplice was older than the Livery and was the proper garb of members of the Company." [1] It is not, therefore, technically a livery company ...

  6. The People of the Abyss. Richard Phelps (bellfounder) Police Magistrates Metropolitan Act 1822. Police Magistrates, Metropolis Act 1833. Poplar Dock. Poplar Rates Rebellion. Metropolitan Borough of Poplar. Port of London Act 1908. The Pride of Spitalfields.

  7. De Tower of London, meestal kortweg de Tower genoemd, is een gebouwencomplex in Londen, gelegen aan de rivier de Theems. In de loop van de eeuwen heeft het dienst gedaan als fort, koninklijk paleis, staatsgevangenis, munt, garnizoen, museum en arsenaal. De nabijgelegen Tower Bridge dankt zijn naam aan dit complex, dat sinds 1988 op de ...