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  1. Lo que sabemos de la niñez e infancia de Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) se lo debemos a él mismo, pues lo relata en un documento que elabora con propósitos astrológicos cuando ya es un hombre adulto. Hijo de padre luterano y madre católica, nació prematuramente el 27 de diciembre de 1571. Por esta razón fue siempre una persona de salud débil.

  2. KEPLER.-July 10th, of lung disease, LUDWIG KEPLER, aged 64 years, 10 months and 3 days Herald of Truth - Volume XV, Number 8 - August 1878, pages 141, 143 and 144 Sources

  3. Growing Up. Johannes Kepler was born on December 27, 1571, in the small German town of Weil- der-Stadt. He was born at the tail end of the European Renaissance, an age of intellectual, religious, cultural, and scientific transformation. But Kepler's own early childhood showed no such signs of enlightenment. The young Kepler was trapped in his ...

  4. 1 de sept. de 2017 · Kepler’s Somnium Book Review by Samman Fattning. “In 1634, four years after his death, the most provocative and innovative of Johannes Kepler’s works was published by his son Ludwig Kepler, then a candidate for the doctorate in medicine.

  5. Eventually, Kepler’s grandchildren sold their grandfather’s archive to . the Danzig astronomer Johannes Hevelius (1611–1687), a student of . Krüger. 7 In 1639 Krüger had obtained a list of Kepler’s manuscripts from Ludwig and informed Hevelius about this. Hevelius bought the archive in

  6. Kepler: Ludwig K., Sohn des großen Astronomen, Arzt, ist am 21. Dec. 1607 in Prag geboren. Seinen ersten Unterricht erhielt er in Linz, 1619 folgte er seinem Vater nach Regensburg und 1624 begab er sich nach Wien, um sich der Philosophie und Poesie zu widmen. Die kriegerischen Wirren, in welche Oesterreich damals gestürzt war, veranlaßten ...

  7. Area Program Director Phone Email; Brandon / Ortonville: Eric Ransom: 810-938-2141: Capital Area / Lansing: Scott Belanger: 517-256-4323