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  1. Constitutional monarchy, also known as limited monarchy, parliamentary monarchy or democratic monarchy, is a form of monarchy in which the monarch exercises their authority in accordance with a constitution and is not alone in making decisions.

  2. La monarquía constitucional, por oposición a la monarquía absoluta, es una forma de gobierno, en el cual existe separación de poderes, donde el monarca ostenta el poder ejecutivo nombrando al gobierno, mientras que el poder legislativo, lo ejerce una asamblea o parlamento, habitualmente electo por los ciudadanos. 1 .

  3. 31 de dic. de 2020 · A constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a nonelected monarch functions as the head of state within the limits of a constitution. Political power in a constitutional monarchy is shared between the monarch and an organized government such as the British Parliament.

  4. Constitutional monarchy, also known as limited monarchy, parliamentary monarchy or democratic monarchy, is a form of monarchy in which the monarch exercises their authority in accordance with a constitution and is not alone in making decisions.