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  1. Mandolin. The mandolin is a musical instrument, which literally means, a small soprano member of the lute family. It is played by hitting its strings and sounds similar in tone of a violin or a hammered dulcimer. The most common type of mandolin, which was first designed in Naples, has eight strings. It has a body made of wood and a fingerboard ...

  2. › wiki › MandolinMandolin – Wikipedia

    Mandolin er eit strengeinstrument som ein spelar ved å klimpra.Dei fleste mandolinar har 8 strengar. Desse er plassert saman i unisont stemde par og dannar 4 strengepar, og desse er stemde i kvintar som ein fiolin (GG-DD-AA-EE frå lågast til høgast).

  3. Mandolína. nem. Mandoline. Mandolína je brnkací strunový hudobný nástroj lutnového [1] [2] alebo mandolového [3] typu so štíhlym, krátkym krkom s pražcami . Objavuje sa od 16. storočia ako ľudový nástroj v Taliansku (v rôznych prevedeniach a veľkostiach). [2] Jej predchodcom bola mandola. [4]

  4. Mandolins and larger members of the mandolin family were used in orchestras, including orchestras playing native Algerian music. With the decline of the mandolin worldwide, the mandolin became less common until by the 21st century it was rare. However, mandolins and mandolas are still occasionally made by luthiers.

  5. Mandolin на сајту Curlie; List of mandolin method books from 1629 to present; List of composers for the mandolin with more than 1900 names. Includes mandolin solos, ensembles, concertos, chamber music, and bluegrass. Japanese website, but needed parts are in English; Works for orchestras that contain small parts for mandolin.

  6. › wiki › MandolineMandoline - Wikipedia

    Operation. A mandoline is used by running a piece of food (with some protection for fingers) along an adjustable inclined plane into one or more blades. On some models vertical blades cut to produce julienne, or a wavy blade is used that produces crinkle cuts. In these models a quarter turn to the food between passes produces dice and waffle cuts.

  7. Pandura. Tambura. Đàn măng-đô-lin. Mandolin (tiếng Ý: mandolino) hay còn gọi là mandoline hoặc măng cầm là loại nhạc cụ đàn có tám dây. Đàn phát ra âm thanh bằng cách gảy dây đàn,cho âm thanh có âm sắc hơi giống như đàn zither ở quãng cao. Đây là loại đàn cổ. Loại phổ biến ...