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  1. In the United Kingdom, the Great Officers of State are traditional ministers of the Crown who either inherit their positions or are appointed to exercise certain largely ceremonial functions or to operate as members of the government.

  2. Lord presidente del Consejo: presidente del Muy Honorable Consejo Privado de Su Majestad y miembro del Gabinete. Lord del Sello Privado: responsable del sello personal («privado») del monarca. Lord gran chambelán (o lord camarero mayor): cargo en el Palacio de Westminster y en la Cámara de los Lores.

  3. The Great Offices of State are senior offices in the UK government. They are the prime minister, chancellor of the Exchequer, foreign secretary and home secretary or, alternatively, three of those offices excluding the prime minister.

  4. In the United Kingdom, the Great Officers of State are traditional ministers of the Crown who either inherit their positions or are appointed to exercise certain largely ceremonial functions or to operate as members of the government. [1] .