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  1. 21 de jun. de 2023 · Margaret Cavendish (1623-1673) es una de las figuras más singulares entre quienes se insertan en este debate, ya que, sin ninguna educación formal en filosofía y por medio de una pluma extravagantemente prolífica, se dispuso a escribir y experimentar con una variedad de estilos literarios en una apuesta intelectual por la mezcolanza y la hibridación genérica.

  2. Biography. Margaret (Lucas) Cavendish (1623-1673), later the Duchess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, was an aristocrat, philosopher, scientist and writer. The youngest of eight, she was born into a royalist family and served as a maid of honor to Queen Henrietta Maria, before following her into exile in Paris during the Interregnum period.

  3. Other articles where Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne is discussed: Women in Science: From the Enlightenment to the 19th century: In 1667 Margaret Cavendish, the duchess of Newcastle, attended a meeting of the then newly formed Royal Society of London. At a time when most women writers used male pseudonyms, she wrote under her own name on numerous subjects, including ...

  4. This in-progress scholarly edition of Margaret Cavendish's The Blazing World presents the 1668 publication of the text. Annotations provided using Read More. Help us access and correct versions of the early English print archive available through 18thConnect. Doing so will help us make these texts freely available digitally. Read More.

  5. Liza Blake, Shawn Moore, and Jacob Tootalian, General Editors. The Complete Works of Margaret Cavendish ( CWMC) will be the first complete collection of all of Margaret Cavendish’s extensive corpus of literary, philosophical, historical and personal writing, and will consist entirely of critical editions of her works.

  6. 16 de abr. de 2013 · First Lady. In 1667 Margaret Cavendish was the first woman allowed to visit the all-male bastion of the Royal Society, a newly formed scientific society. Who was this woman? Frotispiece of Margaret Cavendish, ca. 1650s, one of three the writer commissioned from artist Abraham van Diepenbeeck. On May 30, 1667, a large, black coach made its way ...

  7. 3 Ce qui fait de Margaret Cavendish une pionnière, en Angleterre et sans doute, plus largement, en Occident, c’est l’assurance avec laquelle une femme s’autorise de l’exemple de César et Ovide (!) pour prendre la plume avec l’ambition affichée de faire connaître à la postérité sa personnalité, entre timidité et excentricité, l’une et l’autre assumées, et l ...