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  1. Hace 10 horas · Many years ago, the former British prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, was asked whether there were foreign companies in Britain. She said no; there were only British companies. Her logic was that once a foreign-owned company is registered in Britain, pays tax in Britain, and employs British citizens, it is no longer foreign but British.

  2. Hace 10 horas · La gran ampliación del club comunitario de 2004, con la integración de 10 países del antiguo bloque soviético, presenta una hoja de servicios con más méritos que desencantos.

  3. Hace 10 horas · ️ «No hay nada más poderoso que una persona con pasión.» – Margaret Thatcher. ️ «La pasión es el fuego que arde dentro de nosotros.» – Joe Vitale. ️ «Lleva contigo solo lo que te importa. Porque es eso lo que hace que la vida valga la pena.» ️ «Vive con pasión y el mundo te seguirá.» – Henry Ford

  4. Hace 10 horas · She was known for her versatility as an actress, seamlessly transitioning between dramatic roles and comedic performances with ease. From her unforgettable portrayal of Margaret Thatcher in “The Audience” to her comedic turn in the hit TV series “Drop the Dead Donkey,” Haydn Gwynne left an indelible mark on the entertainment world.

  5. Hace 10 horas · El presidente Javier Milei se refirió por primera vez de manera directa al paro llevado adelante por la Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT) contra su gobierno, el último jueves 9 de mayo. De ac…

  6. Hace 10 horas · People call me a historian, but I am not, I do however, have a keen interest in History and particularly the human side of the Holocaust and World War 2.

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