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  1. Mark Andrew Spitz (10. února 1950, Modesto, Kalifornie, USA) je americký plavec, který na letních olympijských hrách v letech 1968 a 1972 získal celkem 11 medailí. Je devítinásobným olympijským vítězem a dále získal jednu stříbrnou a jednu bronzovou olympijskou medaili.

  2. American Mark Spitz had brashly predicted that he would win six gold medals at the 1968 Mexico City Games. Although he did take home two gold medals from the relays, he performed well below expectations in his individual races. He was third in the 100m freestyle, second in the 100m butterfly and last in the final of the 200m butterfly.

  3. Hace 6 días · Der Amerikaner Mark Spitz hatte kühn vorausgesagt, dass er bei den Olympischen Spielen 1968 in Mexiko Stadt sechs Goldmedaillen gewinnen würde. Zwar holte er zwei Goldmedaillen mit den Staffeln, doch in seinen Einzelrennen schnitt er weit unter den Erwartungen ab. Er wurde Dritter über 100m Freistil, Zweiter über 100m Schmetterling und ...

  4. American Mark Spitz had brashly predicted that he would win six gold medals at the 1968 Mexico City Games. Although he did take home two gold medals from the relays, he performed well below expectations in his individual races. He was third in the 100m freestyle, second in the 100m butterfly and last in the final of the 200m butterfly.

  5. Mark Andrew Spitz [špíc], ameriški plavalec, * 10. februar 1950, Modesto, Kalifornija . Spitz je eden najboljših svetovnih plavalcev. Nastopil je na dveh olimpijskih igrah in skupno osvojil 11 medalj, od tega 9 zlatih ter po eno srebrno in bronasto. Najbolj znan je po sedmih zmagah na olimpijskih igrah 1972 (4 posamične in 3 štafetne) ter ...

  6. 14 de jun. de 2020 · Mark Spitz was the most successful athlete to come out of Munich 1972, winning a total of seven gold medals – an achievement that was only broken by Michael Phelps 36 years later at Beijing 2008 when he took home eight. But back in 1972, all eyes were on Spitz. He already had six gold medals in the bag but was hesitating to compete in the ...

  7. Mark Andrew Spitz (Modesto, Kalifornija, 10. veljače 1950. ), američki plivač. Rođen od oca Američkog Židova i majke Portorikanke , slavni je američki plivački olimpijac, deveterostruki Olimpijski pobjednik i plivač koji je 23 puta postavljao svjetske rekorde u sprinterskim disciplinama slobodnim i delfinovim stilom.

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