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  1. Martin Chemnitz. Concordia Publishing House, 2007 - Religion - 712 pages. The Examination of the Council of Trent series has been the basis for dialogue between Catholics and Lutherans for centuries. This is the first English translation of Chemnitz's work, which became the standard Lutheran answer to the claims of Rome as set forth at Trent.

  2. Martin Chemnitz’s Enchiridion Jake Zabel 2017 Martin Chemnitz’s book Ministry, Word and Sacraments: An Enchiridion is a handbook (literal translation from Greek) for the office of the ministry of Word and Sacrament published in 1593 (German edition, Latin edition was published in 1603). In Chemnitz’s preface to his Enchiridion he

  3. 1 de abr. de 2012 · Abstract. Sedes Doctrinae in the Eucharistic Christology of Martin Chemnitz Martin Chemnitz uses thorough exegesis to interpret relevant texts pertaining to the sacraments in the Scriptures. This ...

  4. Martin Chemnitz ( Treuenbrietzen, 9 novembre 1522 – Braunschweig, 8 aprile 1586) è stato un teologo e religioso tedesco, predicatore evangelico, uno tra i protagonisti della Riforma protestante tra i teologi tedeschi della seconda generazione. Martin Chemnitz. Martin Chemnitz nel mezzo di una monetazione Notgeld, Treuenbrietzen 1921.

  5. St. Martin Chemnitz, whose day the Church celebrates on his birthday of November 9th, was a leading German theologian of the Reformation. Second to Martin Luther—hence his nickname, the “second Martin”—Chemnitz worked closely with the reformer and also with Philipp Melanchthon during the mid-sixteenth century.

  6. 12 de oct. de 2022 · Martin Chemnitz, A substantial and Godly exposition of the prayer commonly called the Lord’s Prayer (Cambridge: John Legate, 1598), pp 1–4.

  7. Stand 01.06.2023 . Martin Seelig. Standort 1 Gesundheitszentrum im Yorckgebiet Fürstenstr. 141 09130 Chemnitz. Tel.: 0371 / 23480597. E-Mail: ...