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  1. Max Beckmann nasceu na Alemanha, em Leipzig, em 1884 e estudou na Academia de Belas Artes de Weimar. Suas primeiras obras são de estilo impressionista . A sua dramática experiência como ajudante no corpo médico durante na 1ª Guerra Mundial , levou-o a pintar obras enérgicas e de grande dramatismo, caracterizadas por contornos muito marcados, colorido forte e violência implacável.

  2. Max Carl Friedrich Beckmann was a German painter, draftsman, printmaker, sculptor, and writer. Although he is classified as an Expressionist artist, he rejected both the term and the movement. In the 1920s, he was associated with the New Objectivity, an outgrowth of Expressionism that opposed its introverted emotionalism.

  3. Max Beckmann. Max Beckmann, nado en Leipzig o 12 de febreiro de 1884 e finado o 28 de decembro de 1950, foi un pintor, gravador, escultor e gravador alemán, considerado un artista expresionista, aínda que rexeitou sempre tanto o termo como o movemento [ 1]. Na década de 1920 estivo relacionado co movemento da Nova Obxectividade (Neue ...

  4. In Universum Max Beckmann Kunstmuseum Den Haag will – for the first time – explore his work on the basis of his depiction of space. Max Beckmann (1884-1950) filled his paintings with images and meanings that are not easy to decipher. He employed a unique visual language, which he developed using many sources (literature, religion, mythology ...

  5. › wiki › Max_BeckmannMax Beckmann - Wikipedia

    Max Carl Friedrich Beckmann (Leipzig, 12 februari 1884 - New York, 27 december 1950) was een Duits expressionistisch kunstschilder. Biografie [ bewerken | brontekst bewerken ] In 1900 begon hij zijn schildersopleiding in Weimar .

  6. Max Beckmann (February 12, 1884 – December 27, 1950) was a German painter, draftsman, printmaker, sculptor, and writer. Although he is classified as an Expressionist artist, he rejected both the term and the movement. In the 1920s, he was associated with the New Objectivity (Neue Sachlichkeit), an outgrowth of Expressionism that opposed its ...

  7. Max Beckmann setzte den Schulbesuch in Braunschweig und Königslutter fort. Sein erstes überliefertes Aquarell , eine Märchenillustration, wird auf 1896 datiert, das erste Selbstporträt auf 1897. Seit dieser Zeit begeisterte Beckmann sich für fremde Kulturen.

  1. Búsquedas relacionadas con Max Beckmann

    Max Beckmann pinturas