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  1. メイ・モリス May Morris (1862-1938) 偉大なるウィリアム・モリスの次女、メイ。 多彩な父の元で育った彼女自身もまた、類まれなる才能に恵まれていました。幼い頃より母ジェーンと叔母エリザベス・バーデンより刺繍の手ほどきを受けたことから、刺繍作家としての天性が開花。美術学校で刺繍 ...

  2. 21 de sept. de 2017 · May Morris died in 1938, her life and achievements obscured by the achievements of her father, and her role in the Arts and Crafts movement all but forgotten. Today, thanks to the substantial body of work she left behind, along with her letters, photos and the accounts of her family and friends, we can now piece together her life and work and ...

  3. Paperback – 253 pages - 2017. ISBN 978 19108 85529. Share. In spring 2016 the William Morris Gallery convened the first conference dedicated to May Morris exploring her life and multi-faceted career as a designer, embroiderer, teacher and activist as well as the pivotal role she played in preserving and shaping her father's legacy.

  4. - Retrato de May Morris by Frederick Hollyer, c. 1886. National Portrait Galley, London.Tal día como hoy, el 25 de marzo de 1862, nació la influyente diseñadora textil británica May Morris en “Red House”, edificio histórico situado en Bexleyheath (Southeast London). Fue la hija menor del artista y diseñador británico William Morris (1834-1896) y como él estuvo vinculada al ...

  5. William Morris Gallery. May was involved in the Arts and Crafts Movement throughout the 1890s and 1900s. She exhibited works at the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society's exhibitions in London in 1893, 1896, 1899, 1903, and 1906, alongside members of craft Guilds - which excluded women. The male architects, designers, and craftsmen who were ...

  6. May Morris est biochimiste, experte des protéines kinases, du cycle cellulaire et du cancer. Elle développe des technologies de détection de de biomolécules biomarqueurs pour le diagnostic de cancers (biosenseurs fluorescents peptidiques), des stratégies de ciblage thérapeutique (inhibiteurs d'interactions protéine/protéine et petites molécules allostériques), et de délivrance ...

  7. 18 de mar. de 2019 · Along with being a surface designer, May was an established embroiderer and jewelry designer. She learned to embroider from her mother and her aunt, was in charge of the embroidery department at Morris & Co., and taught embroidery at a London school. She designed and made jewelry, some of which is in the collection of the Victoria & Albert Museum.