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  1. Megabit por segundo. Un megabit por segundo ( Mb/s, Mbit/s o Mbps) 1 es una unidad que se usa para cuantificar un caudal de datos equivalente a 1000 kb/s . No es apropiado referirse a esta magnitud como a una de velocidad, ya que la velocidad a la que se propagan los datos nada tiene que ver con el caudal o flujo que se transmite por un medio ...

  2. Exabyte. El prefijo exa-, adoptado en 1991, procede del griego έξι , que significa «seis» (como hexa- ), pues equivale a 1000 6. 1 EB = 10 3 PB = 10 6 TB = 10 9 GB = 10 12 MB = 10 15 KB = 10 18 bytes . 1000 exabytes equivalen a un zetabyte .

  3. Megabyte (MB) is a decimallized unit of data storage measurement equalling 10 6 bytes. Megabyte may also refer to: Mebibyte (MiB), the idiomatic unit of data storage measurement, equal to 2 20 bytes, similar to "megabyte" (MB). Megabyte ( ReBoot), a fictional character from the CG animated TV fictional universe ReBoot.

  4. Terabyte. Terabyte ( TB ), equivalente a 10 12 ( 1 000 000 000 000 —un billón —) de bytes. 1 2 . Equivalencias relacionadas: 1 TB = 10 3 GB = 10 6 MB = 10 9 kB = 10 12 bytes. 1 YB = 10 3 ZB = 10 6 EB = 10 9 PB = 10 12 TB.

  5. Le Megabyte (MB) es un unitate de mensuration de quantitate de datos informaticos. Es un multiplico binario del octeto , que equivale a 2 20 (1 048 576) octetos , traducite a effectos practicos como 10 6 (1 000 000) octetos.

  6. 9 de abr. de 2021 · Megabyte Definition. A megabyte is a collection of about 1,000,000 bytes, which is around 1,000 kilobytes. In the metric system, mega is a prefix for 1,000,000, or 10 6. So in some cases, a megabyte is defined as 1,000,000 bytes. But because computers work in binary, computer scientists usually define a megabyte as 2 20, or 1,048,576 bytes.

  7. Even though Mega- is an SI term, it shouldn't be Wikipedia's job to dictate that it is exclusive to SI measurements, Wikipedia should fairly document what the term "megabyte" has been used for, lest readers be confused when they encounter a situation that contradicts the reality that Wikipedia would have them believe: that mebibyte is a term that is actually used in practice and is useful (I ...