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  1. MoNaLdo y adeLaide Leopardi Un libro sobre Leopardi sólo puede empezar como una ópe - ra bufa, preferiblemente de Gioachino r ossini, que había na - cido en p ésaro, cerca de r ecanati, y que llegaría a inflamar a los públicos de Milán, roma, parís y a todo el mundo de la música. e l protagonista de tal ópera bufa no sería Giacomo,

  2. Giacomo Leopardi is one of the best-known Italian authors. He was born in Recanati, a small town in the centre of Italy, in 1798 and died in Naples in 1837, two weeks before his 39th birthday. Since the very beginning of his childhood, he showed huge intellectual abilities, having learned Greek, Hebrew, and other languages alone by reading the ...

  3. 29 de nov. de 2022 · Vita, idee, opere. Il conte Monaldo Leopardi è stato un letterato, storico e politico di rilievo vissuto a cavallo tra il XVIII e il XIX secolo. Nei manuali scolastici egli è descritto solamente come severo padre del più famoso Giacomo. L’ obiettivo di questo articolo è quello di mostrare chi fu Monaldo, in quanto uomo, storico, politico ...

  4. Autobiografia. Monaldo Leopardi. a cura di Alessandro Avoli. 1824. Informazioni sulla fonte del testoCitazioni di questo testo. [p. frontespizio modifica]

  5. Count Monaldo Leopardi (Recanati, 16 August 1776 – Recanati, 30 April 1847) was an Italian philosopher, nobleman, politician and writer, notable as one of the main Italian intellectuals of the counter-revolution. His son Giacomo Leopardi was a poet and thinker with completely opposite views, which were probably the root cause of their discord.

  6. Monaldo Leopardi (16 Aug 1776 - 30 Apr 1847) 0 references . Sitelinks. Wikipedia (4 entries) edit. dewiki Monaldo Leopardi; enwiki Monaldo Leopardi; frwiki Monaldo ...

  7. Hace 2 días · Giacomo Leopardi, an Italian poet, scholar, and philosopher, was born on June 29, 1798, in Recanati, Papal States, where he was raised. The eldest son of aristocratic—albeit, not wealthy—parents, the precocious Leopardi spent much of his childhood in his father’s library. His father, Count Monaldo Leopardi, was a conservative nobleman, holding beliefs with which Giacomo would grow to ...