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  1. Montmorency is the protagonist of the Montmorency series of Victorian-era thrillers for children by Eleanor Updale, published between 2003 and 2013, in which he is a former convict turned gentleman. Montmorency works legally as a British agent and illegally as his alter ego, Montmorency's vile manservant , Scarper.

  2. Casato di Montmorency. Il casato dei Montmorency è stata una famiglia tra le più antiche e prestigiose della nobiltà di Francia . Essa prese il nome dalla città di Montmorency, nell'attuale dipartimento della Val-d'Oise . Essa ha dato alla Francia sei connestabili, dodici marescialli di Francia e quattro ammiragli.

  3. Charlotte-Marguerite war eine Tochter des Herzogs Henri I. de Montmorency und seiner zweiten Ehefrau Louise de Budos sowie die ältere Schwester von Herzog Henri II. de Montmorency. Durch ihren Großvater Anne de Montmorency, der als enger Freund des Königs Franz I. den gesellschaftlichen Aufstieg der Familie initiiert hatte, gehörte sie zu ...

  4. 3. Charles Edward Springall (19 June 1925 – 23 December 2006), known professionally as Charlie Drake, was an English comedian, actor, writer and singer. With his small stature (5 ft 1 in or 155 cm tall), curly red hair and liking for slapstick, he was a popular comedian with children in his early years, becoming nationally known for his ...

  5. Il ducato omonimo fu ribattezzato nel 1689 ducato di Enghien anche se il paese continuò a essere conosciuto anche come Montmorency, nome ripreso ufficialmente nel periodo 1790-1793 e poi definitivamente dal 1832 (il nome di Enghien rimase al centro termale di Enghien-les-Bains, comune autonomo dal 1850, che ne era in origine una frazione sul lago omonimo).

  6. The property then went to the Hornes and later the Montmorency family. These families rebuilt the castle into a stately home rather than a military building. In the 16th century, the Montmorencys added a brick top floor, used as a dovecote, to the gatehouse. In 1570, the castle was confiscated by Philip II of Spain from