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  1. Moral Philosophy and Politics verwendet ein doppelt-verblindetes Peer-Review-Verfahren, erscheint zweimal jährlich und wird von De Gruyter verlegt. Abstracting und Indexierung. Moral Philosophy and Politics ist unter anderem in EBSCO, The Philosopher’s Index, PhilPapers, ProQuest, SCImago und SCOPUS indiziert.

  2. › wiki › PhilosophyPhilosophy - Wikipedia

    Chinese philosophy focuses principally on practical issues in relation to right social conduct, government, and self-cultivation. Major branches of philosophy are epistemology, ethics, logic, and metaphysics. Epistemology studies what knowledge is and how to acquire it. Ethics investigates moral principles and what constitutes right conduct.

  3. Modern Moral Philosophy (« La Philosophie morale moderne ») est un article de philosophie morale et d' éthique de G. E. M. Anscombe, publié dans la revue Philosophy, vol. 33, no 124 en janvier 1958 1. Il a été traduit en français par Geneviève Ginvert et Patrick Ducray dans la revue philosophique Klesis (n°9, 2008).

  4. Ethics or moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy that "involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior". The field of ethics, along with aesthetics, concerns matters of value, and thus comprises the branch of philosophy called axiology. Various ethical theories pose various answers to the question ...

  5. Conduct: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy is a 1969 book by Ronald Field Atkinson in which the author tries to provide an introductory text in moral philosophy. Jonathan Gorman points out that the book restates Atkinson's view that the philosopher's task is not with matters of substance but with conceptual analysis. [1]

  6. › wiki › MoralMoralWikipedia

    Moral als Aspekt der menschlichen Natur. Als soziales Wesen erfährt der Mensch von Geburt an im Normalfall Liebe, die Bereitschaft zum Verzicht und zur Fürsorge. Ohne diese Eigenschaften wäre ein dauerhaftes Zusammenleben in Gemeinschaften nicht möglich. Sie haben sich im Laufe der Evolution entwickelt und die Veranlagung dazu liegt demnach ...

  7. A significant feature of analytic philosophy since approximately 1970 has been the emergence of applied ethics—an interest in the application of moral principles to specific practical issues. The philosophers following this orientation view ethics as involving humanistic values, which involve practical implications and applications in the way people interact and lead their lives socially.