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  1. El estilo arquitectónico denominado neorrenacimiento, neorrenacentismo o neo-Renacimiento, 1 es una amplia designación que comprende muchos estilos historicistas del siglo XIX, que no se inspiraban en la arquitectura griega (ver neogriego ), ni en la gótica (ver neogótico ), sino que lo hacían en un amplio rango de modos clasicistas italianos.

  2. Renaissance Revival architecture (sometimes referred to as "Neo-Renaissance") is a group of 19th-century architectural revival styles which were neither Greek Revival nor Gothic Revival but which instead drew inspiration from a wide range of classicizing Italian modes.

  3. El estilo historicista Neorrenacimiento, Neorrenacentismo o Neo-Renacimiento, que se dio en el siglo XIX, tiene contornos imprecisos: ni neogótico, ni neoclásico, sino que imita y tiene su fuente de inspiración en las formas renacentistas y es contemporáneo al neobarroco.

    • Neo-Renaissance wikipedia1
    • Neo-Renaissance wikipedia2
    • Neo-Renaissance wikipedia3
    • Neo-Renaissance wikipedia4
  4. Renaissance Revival architecture, also known as Neo-Renaissance architecture, is an architectural style that emerged in the 19th century and drew inspiration from the forms and aesthetics of the Italian Renaissance, which spanned the 14th to the 17th centuries.

  5. Le style néo-Renaissance est un style architectural du XIXe siècle aux contours flous, inspiré de l' architecture de la Renaissance 1 . Ce style fait partie des styles populaires au XIXe siècle, reproduisant des styles plus anciens, comme le néo-gothique et le néo-classique .

  6. In 1905–1914 Russian architecture passed through a brief but influential period of Neoclassical revival; the trend began with recreation of Empire style of Alexandrine period and quickly expanded into a variety of neo-Renaissance, Palladian and modernized, yet recognizably classical schools.

  7. Neoclassical architecture, sometimes referred to as Classical Revival architecture, is an architectural style produced by the Neoclassical movement that began in the mid-18th century in Italy, France and Germany. [1] It became one of the most prominent architectural styles in the Western world. [2]