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  1. THE INVENTORY OF NICCOLO NICCOLI. By RODNEY P. ROBINSON (From Classical Philology XVI (1921) pp.251-255) The Florentine monk, Ambrogio Traversari, in a letter to Niccolò Niccoli dated July 8, 1431, mentions an inventory of manuscripts which the latter had given to the cardinals Giuliano Cesarini and Niccolò Albergati, with the request that they search for the volumes listed therein in their ...

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  3. 25 de jul. de 2023 · This article explores Poggio Bracciolini's letters to Niccolò Niccoli from a variety of perspectives: it looks at what imitation meant for Poggio, examines the letters’ commentary on the manuscript culture of the early Quattrocento, discusses Poggio's efforts to craft a personal voice, and traces the interplay of optimism and pessimism in the letters, an interplay common to humanist texts ...

  4. Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli (3 May 1469 – 21 June 1527) was a Florentine diplomat, author, philosopher and historian who lived during the Renaissance. He is best known for his political treatise The Prince ( Il Principe ), written around 1513 but not published until 1532, five years after his death. [4]

  5. 24 de nov. de 2020 · Niccolò Niccoli (Firenze, 1365 – Firenze, 3 febbraio 1437) played an important role as a merchant and political man in Florence in the early fifteenth century: he collected a large library which then constituted the nucleus of the first public library: that of the Dominicans of St. Mark, built by Cosimo de’ Medici on the project of Melozzo ...

  6. Niccoli fu un grande ricercatore di codici greci e latini insieme all'amico Nicola Cusano e si fece spesso promotore delle ricerche di altri, come nel caso dei cardinali Niccolò Albergati e Giuliano Cesarini, per i quali preparò nel 1431 l' Itinerarium o Commentarium, che consisteva in un elenco di autori latini che dovevano essere ricercati ...