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  1. El Premio Nicholas Metropolis al Trabajo Destacado de Tesis Doctoral en Física Computacional lo otorga anualmente la Sociedad Estadounidense de Física. Carrera actoral Metropolis interpretó el papel de un científico en la película de Woody Allen Maridos y esposas (1992).

  2. 理论上我可以只提 Nicholas Metropolis 这只青蛙,因为最经典的 Metropolis Sampling 跟 Ulam 没关系,倒是跟一个叫 Keith Hasting 的家伙 有关系。 据说,现代的 Monte Carlo Method 是这两只青蛙跟 von Neumann 在曼哈顿计划中,为模拟中子扩散发展出的一种统计方法 [8] 。

  3. 尼古拉斯·康斯坦丁·梅特罗波利斯(英語: Nicholas Constantine Metropolis ,希腊语: Νικόλαος Μητρόπουλος, 1915年4月11日—1999年10月17日)美籍希腊裔物理学家 。 出生于美国芝加哥市。1936年、1941年分别获芝加哥大学实验物理学学士、博士学位。

  4. Metropolis, Nicholas Constantine. Nicholas Constantine Metropolis was born in Chicago on June 11, 1915 and died on October 17, 1999 in Los Alamos. At Los Alamos, Metropolis was the main driving force behind the development of the MANIAC series of electronic computers. He was the first to code a problem for the ENIAC in 1945– 1946 (together ...

  5. 26 de jun. de 2023 · This is, in a nutshell, a 1953 article by Nicholas Metropolis, Arianna and Marshall Rosenbluth and Augusta and Edward Teller. The paper, ...

  6. Tu so leta 1961 tudi zgradili tretjo različico računalnika druge generacije MANIAC III, ki ga je načrtoval Metropolis. Leta 1965 se je vrnil v Los Alamos, kjer je leta 1980 postal starejši član Laboratorija. Nicholas Metropolis. Metropolis je prispeval več izvirnih zamisli na matematična, fizikalna in kasneje na računalniška področja

  7. Brief History of Saint Nicholas Ranch and Retreat Center. In 1979, His Eminence Metropolitan Anthony, then the newly elected bishop of the Greek Orthodox Diocese of San Francisco, shared his vision for the creation of a retreat and conference center that could be used to provide spiritual programs for the faithful of the diocese, especially the youth!