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  1. Olivia Rossetti Agresti, the eldest daughter of William Michael Rossetti, was born in London on September 30, 1875. In 1892 she and her younger sister Helen began printing and distributing their own Anarchist journal, The Torch, an adventure described in their novel A Girl Among the Anarchists, published under the pseudonym Isabel Meredith in 1903.

  2. Olivia (1875-1960) e Helen (1879-1969), figlie di William Michael Rossetti e nipoti di Gabriele, proseguono, almeno nelle intenzioni e idealmente, il filone memorialistico inaugurato proprio dal nonno prima e poi dal padre, cui va riconosciuto il grande merito di essere stato curatore dalla maniacale acribia dei reminiscences.

  3. Olivia Rossetti Agresti. Little, Brown, 1922 - Agriculturists - 372 pages . Preview this book ...

  4. Olivia Rossetti Agresti YA.1 Letters from or concerning Olivia Rossetti Agresti to Mr. and Mrs. Robertson Scott. Physical Location. MS 23. Immediate Source of ...

  5. 11 de dic. de 2023 · Olivia Rossetti Agresti ( Londra, 30 septembrie 1875 - Roma, 6 noiembrie 1960) a fost scriitoare, traducătoare și editoră în limba engleză, cu nunta sa mutat în Italia, luând apoi cetățenia italiană ..

  6. Rossetti, owes a great deal to one person: Olivia Rossetti Agresti.6 She was the daughter of William Michael Rossetti and Lucy Madox Brown, thus the granddaughter of Gabriele Rossetti and Ford Madox Brown. She was married to Antonio Agresti, whose essays on art and litera-

  7. 11 de sept. de 2023 · Olivia Rossetti married an Italian anarchist refugee, Antonio Agresti. They later moved to Italy, where Olivia became a translator and writer. After she was widowed in 1926, she became an associate of Ezra Pound, and the two corresponded frequently.