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  1. 奥马尔·纳尔逊·布莱德雷(Omar Nelson Bradley,1893年2月12日—1981年4月8日),生于密苏里州克拉克,美国军事家、统帅。1915年,布莱德雷毕业于西点军校,获陆军少尉衔。1918至1924年先后在南达科他州立大学和西点军校任教,后在步兵学校、指挥和参谋学校进修。

  2. 2 de abr. de 2019 · General of the Army Omar N. Bradley was a key American commander during World War II and later served as the first Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Graduating from West Point in 1915, he served stateside during World War I before advancing through the ranks during the interwar years. With the beginning of World War II, Bradley trained two ...

  3. Postwar, General Bradley served as Administrator of Veteran's Affairs for two years. He was named Chief of Staff of the Army in 1948. In 1949, he was appointed to the newly created post of Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. In 1950, he achieved 5-star rank, general of the army. He then held the position of Chairman, NATO Military Committee until ...

  4. Omar Nelson Bradley Biography. Omar N. Bradley was born in 1893 in the city of Clark, Missouri, in the United States. He graduated from the West Point Military School during the First World War in 1915. In the early years of his career, he became Commander of the Infantry School in Fort Benning, Georgia, and then Commander of the 82nd Division.

  5. Omar Nelson Bradley (* 12. Februar 1893 in Clark , Missouri ; † 8. April 1981 in New York City ) war ein US-amerikanischer General of the Army und einer der führenden Kommandeure der US-Streitkräfte im Zweiten Weltkrieg in Nordafrika und Europa.

  6. Omar Bradley. Omar Nelson Bradley (12 Februari 1893 – 8 April 1981) adalah salah satu komandan utama AD Amerika Serikat di Afrika Utara dan Eropa pada Perang Dunia II, dan seorang General of the Army setara dengan Jenderal Besar. Ia adalah jenderal bintang lima terakhir di Amerika Serikat .

  7. 21 de may. de 2018 · Bradley, Omar Nelson. Bradley, Omar Nelson (1893–1981) US general. In World War II, Bradley commanded the 2nd Corps in n Africa and the invasion of Sicily (1943), and led the 1st Army in the Normandy invasion (1944). After the war, he served as chief of staff of the US Army (1948–49) and first chairman of the joint chiefs of staff (1949–53).