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  1. Hace 5 días · Orden Druzhby narodov 17 October 1972 This order was awarded to persons, organisations, enterprises, military units, as well as administrative subdivisions of the USSR for "accomplishments in strengthening of inter-race and international friendship and cooperation, for economical, political, scientific, military and cultural development of the Soviet Union".

  2. Hace 1 día · Sir Edward Hamly on seeing some old Colours of the 32nd Foot in Monmouth Church. So long as its colors remain, and there is one man left to carry them, a regiment can never die; they can recruit it again around that one man, and the regiment will continue on its road to future glory with the same old traditions behind it and the same atmosphere surrounding it that made brave men of its ...

  3. Hace 5 días · v. t. e. Military service is service by an individual or group in an army or other militia, air forces, and naval forces, whether as a chosen job ( volunteer) or as a result of an involuntary draft ( conscription ). Some nations, such as Israel, require a specific amount of military service from every citizen, except for special cases, such as ...

  4. Hace 4 días · Orologi Militari Automatici. Spedizione il: 16 Apr 2024. Orologi realizzati per l'Associazione Nazionale Arditi Incursori Marina (A.N.A.I.M.) prodotti dalla casa Italiana di orologi M.e.c. (Military European Company) . Visiona la collezione ufficiale A.N. Arditi Incursori Marina catagolo 2023 con garanzia 2 anni Italia .

  5. Hace 5 días · L’Italia rafforza il fianco Est della Nato: 3mila uomini e una nave nel mar Baltico. Ci saranno anche millecento mezzi terrestri e venti aerei. L’impegno delle forze armate nel mondo è stato ...

  6. Hace 5 días · Escrito por Pedro María Reyes Vizcaíno. Publicado en El sacramento del orden sagrado. Por derecho divino el sujeto de la ordenación es solo el varón bautizado, tal y como ha reiterado el magisterio reciente, que afirma además que se trata de una doctrina que ha de considerarse como definitiva. Esta doctrina fue declarada en la Carta ...

  7. Hace 5 días · Una breve historia de La ley y el Orden UVE. by Xóchitl Olivera Lagunes. Leí hace unos diez años que en la década de los noventas se suscitó un fenómeno que a la fecha se conoce como “efecto Scully”. Consistió, básicamente, en un incremento de la cantidad de niñas y jóvenes que mostraron interés en la ciencia.