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  1. Outbreak (en Hispanoamérica, Epidemia; en España, Estallido) es una película de catástrofe estadounidense de 1995, dirigida y producida por Wolfgang Petersen y basada en la novela The Hot Zone de Richard Preston. Está protagonizada por Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo, Morgan Freeman y Donald Sutherland.

    • Estallido, (España), Epidemia, (Hispanoamérica)
  2. Noticias sobre brotes de enfermedades. 16 de febrero de 2024 | Coronavirus causante del síndrome respiratorio de Oriente Medio - Reino de la Arabia Saudita. Noticias sobre brotes de enfermedades. 13 de febrero de 2024 | Coinfección por gripe aviar A (H10N5) y gripe A (H3N2) - China. Noticias sobre brotes de enfermedades.

  3. Global research on coronavirus disease (COVID-19) R&D Blueprint and COVID-19. The Unity Studies: WHO Sero-epidemiological Investigations Protocols. About Coronavirus disease (COVID-19. Origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. SARS-CoV-2 variants. Global Clinical Platform for COVID-19: call for action.

  4. is a project from the Hughes , Su , Wu , and Andersen labs at Scripps Research to unify COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 epidemiology and genomic data, published research, and other resources. Researchers, health officials, and the public can track the pandemic using data on cases, deaths, and genomic variants, and stay updated on related ...

    • Outbreak1
    • Outbreak2
    • Outbreak3
    • Outbreak4
    • Outbreak5
  5. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. However, some will become seriously ill and require medical attention. Older people and those with underlying medical ...

  6. breakout - burst - burst of applause - epidemic - eruption - recrudescence. Spanish: brote - ola - erupción - brote de violencia - desencadenamiento - epidemia - estallido - rebrote. In Lists: Top 2000 English words, Nouns from phrasal verbs, more... Synonyms: burst, flare, flare-up, flurry, eruption, more...

  7. How an outbreak became a pandemic: a chronological analysis of crucial junctures and international obligations in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic - The Lancet. Health Policy | Volume 398, ISSUE 10316, P2109-2124, December 04, 2021. Download Full Issue.

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