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  1. One of the most influential artists in the history of modern painting, Paul Cézanne (1839–1906) has inspired generations of artists. Generally categorized as a Post-Impressionist, his unique method of building form with color and his analytical approach to nature influenced the art of Cubists, Fauves, and successive generations of avant-garde artists.

  2. Paul Cézanne (19. ledna 1839 Aix-en-Provence – 22. října 1906 Aix-en-Provence) byl francouzský malíř, často nazývaný „otec moderního umění“. Snažil se dosáhnout syntézy realistického zobrazení, osobního výrazu a abstraktního obrazového řádu.

  3. ポール・セザンヌ ( Paul Cézanne, 1839年 1月19日 - 1906年 10月23日 (墓碑には 10月22日 と記されているが,近年は23日説が有力 [注釈 1] ))は、 フランス の 画家 。. 当初は クロード・モネ や ピエール=オーギュスト・ルノワール らとともに 印象派 のグループ ...

  4. Paul Cézanne “The painter gives concrete expression to his sensations , his perceptions, by means of line and color,” 1 Paul Cézanne wrote to the younger artist Émile Bernard. Throughout his decades-long career, he dedicated himself to this task, continuously experimenting with his materials and techniques in an effort to record his sensations on paper and canvas.

  5. Paul Cézanne was born in Aix-en-Provence on January 19, 1839, the first child of a prosperous hatter, Louis-Auguste Cézanne, who later became a banker. Paul, as the only son, had his career path chosen for him by his father, who decided that the young man should become a lawyer and prepare to manage the nascent family fortune.

  6. 9 de mar. de 2022 · Paul Cézanne (1839-1906) fue un artista posimpresionista francés. Aunque luchó por el reconocimiento en vida y a menudo le faltó confianza en su obra, el estilo único del artista, el uso de la luz y el color, y su interés por las formas geométricas por encima del realismo resultaron ser enormemente influyentes en artistas posteriores ...

  7. 12 de sept. de 2023 · Paul Cézanne morì il 22 ottobre 1906 nella sua città natale, Aix-en-Provence, ma il suo impatto sull’arte moderna non si è mai affievolito. Le sue opere sono state una fonte di ispirazione per molti artisti successivi, tra cui Pablo Picasso e Georges Braque, che avrebbero sviluppato il movimento cubista.

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