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  1. Philipp Jakob Spener was a patriarch of classical Pietism, a renewal movement within post-Reformation German Lutheranism which influenced the development of today’s evangelical Christianity. Among historians of Christianity, Scripture is widely acknowledged as a vital aspect within Spener’s vision for church reform.

  2. Philipp Jakob Spener was a patriarch of classical Pietism, a renewal movement within post-Reformation German Lutheranism which influenced the development of today’s evangelical Christianity. Among historians of Christianity, Scripture is widely acknowledged as a vital aspect within Spener’s vision for church reform.

  3. Philipp Jacob Spener (* 13. ledna 1635, Ribeauvillé, Alsasko – † 5. února 1705, Berlín) byl německý teolog, zakladatel pietismu. Život [ editovat | editovat zdroj ] Syn právníka, studoval teologii ve Štrasburku (se studijními cestami do Basileje , Ženevy , Lyonu a Tübingenu ), studium zakončil doktorským titulem.

  4. Philip Jacob Spener's Proposals, Part I. Part of Pietisten's reason for being is to attempt an ongoing description of what pietism is and has been. Philip Jacob Spener of Germany (1635-1705) was one of the very first to write down what would become some of the primary concerns of the movement in his 1675 proposal for church reform entitled Pia ...

  5. Philipp Jacob Spener (13. januar 1635–5. februar 1705) var ein tysk teolog og ein av grunnleggjarane av pietismen. Han var dessutan slektsforskar og grunnleggjar av den vitskaplege heraldikken . Spener var fødd i Rappoltsweiler i Elsass og døydde i Berlin .

  6. Spener, Philipp Jacob (1635–1705), in: Heiner F. Klemme / Manfred Kuehn (General Editors), The Dictionary of Eighteenth-Century German Philosophers, Vol. 3, London/New York 2010, s. 1106–1110. Wallmann, Johannes: Totinen kääntymys ja maailmanparannus.

  7. Pia Desideria, (en español: Deseos piadosos) es el título del libro escrito en 1675 por el teólogo alemán Philipp Jacob Spener, con el cual otorgó la base doctrinal del movimiento religioso denominado Pietismo. 1 . El libro fue publicado en Fráncfort del Meno, cuando Philipp Jacob Spener recibió una invitación de un editor de aquella ...