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  1. Born at Champtercier in Provence on January 22, 1592, Gassendi is best known today as the author of the notoriously hostile Fifth Objections to Descartes’ Meditations. He was also a priest, an astronomer, a humanist scholar, and a defender of Galileanism. But the achievement that earned him a reputation on par with Descartes’ among their ...

  2. 13 de sept. de 2023 · This book offers a comprehensive treatment of the philosophical system of the seventeenth-century philosopher Pierre Gassendi. Gassendi's importance is widely recognized and is essential for understanding early modern philosophers and scientists such as Locke, Leibniz and Newton.

  3. 18 de oct. de 2023 · Pierre Gassendi. Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655), contemporâneo de Descartes e Hobbes, foi um filósofo, padre, cientista e astrônomo francês, cuja influência no curso da especulação filosófica e científica foi importante e profunda. Viveu a vida tranquila de um padre estudioso e foi respeitado como matemático e filósofo.

  4. Pierre Gassendi (January 22, 1592 to October 24, 1655) Gassendi was a Catholic priest and one of a circle of French scientist-philosophers (that included Mersenne, Descartes, and Pascal) who were important figures in the Scientific Revolution. Gassendi’s importance in the early development of science lay chiefly in his philosophical ideas ...

  5. 48 El atomismo de Pierre Gassendi no se ajusta a (todos) los principios del meca­nicismo, al menos no al de corte cartesiano. La concepción de la materia como algo esencial e intrínsecamente activo y desprovisto de reposo absoluto lo sitúan en un dinamismo diametralmente opuesto a la concepción cartesiana de la mate­ria como sustancia extensa.

  6. Pierre Gassendi. Pierre Gassendi (January 22, 1592 – October 24, 1655) was a French philosopher, scientist, astronomer, and mathematician, best known for attempting to reconcile Epicurean atomism with Christianity and for publishing the first official observations of the transit of Mercury in 1631. Like many intellectuals during the first ...

  7. 12 de may. de 2007 · This book is the first comprehensive treatment in English of the philosophical system and scientific ideas of Pierre Gassendi, an important author of the seventeenth century who was in contact with such notable philosophers and scientists as Galileo, Mersenne, Descartes, and Hobbes, and influenced early modern thinkers such as Locke, Leibniz, and Newton.

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