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  1. › wiki › Polish_BraillePolish Braille - Wikipedia

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  2. › wiki › BrailleBraille - Wikipedia

    Braille is een speciaal voor blinden en slechtzienden ontwikkeld lees- en schrijfalfabet. De Fransman Louis Braille (1809-1852), die zelf op driejarige leeftijd blind was geworden, ontwikkelde en perfectioneerde dit schrift , tot het in 1829 als bruikbare methode gebruikt kon worden op het Parijse blindeninstituut waar hij verbleef.

  3. Historia. Polska adaptacja systemu dostosowująca alfabet Braille’a do polskiego systemu fonetycznego opracowana została przez zakonnice Elżbietę Różę Czacką oraz Teresę Landy. Alfabet został oficjalnie przyjęty zarządzeniem Ministerstwa Wyznań Religijnych i Oświecenia Publicznego z 24 maja 1934 r. [1] [2]

  4. Armenian Braille is either of two braille alphabets used for writing the Armenian language. The assignments of the Armenian alphabet to braille patterns is largely consistent with unified international braille, with the same punctuation, except for the comma. [1] However, Eastern and Western Armenian are assigned braille letters based on ...

  5. Polish is a highly fusional language with relatively free word order, although the dominant arrangement is subject–verb–object (SVO). There are no articles, and subject pronouns are often dropped . Nouns belong to one of three genders: masculine, feminine and neuter.

  6. Irish Braille is the braille alphabet of the Irish language. It is augmented by specifically Irish letters for vowels with acute accents in print: á. é. í. ó. ú. ⠿é and ⠾ú are coincidentally the French Braille letters for é and ù: They are simply the braille letters of the third decade after z, assigned to print in alphabetical ...

  7. › wiki › BrailleBraille - Wikipedia

    Braille. . Un intaglio con la scritta in braille "PREMIER" viene letto da una persona che vi passa sopra le dita. Il Braille è un sistema di lettura e scrittura tattile a rilievo per non vedenti e ipovedenti, messo a punto dal francese Louis Braille nella prima metà del XIX secolo .