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  1. La Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana, heredera y continuadora del Colegio Romano fundado por San Ignacio de Loyola, es una Universidad Eclesiástica, confiada a la Compañía de Jesús, y por ello basada en el espíritu ignaciano.

  2. The Pontifical Gregorian University (Italian: Pontificia Università Gregoriana; also known as the Gregorian or Gregoriana), is a higher education ecclesiastical school (pontifical university) located in Rome, Italy.

  3. Una universidad pontificia o pontificia universidad es una universidad eclesiástica establecida o aprobada directamente por la Santa Sede, compuesta por tres facultades eclesiásticas principales (Teología, Filosofía y Derecho Canónico) y al menos otra facultad.

  4. La Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana, heredera y continuadora del Colegio Romano fundado por San Ignacio de Loyola, es una Universidad Eclesiástica, confiada a la Compañía de Jesús, y por ello basada en el espíritu ignaciano.

  5. Pontifical Oriental Institute. The Pontifical Gregorian University wants to continue its longstanding tradition, taking its place at the crossroads between Church and Society, faith and culture. Being its specific bent that of serving the universal Church by teaching and researching the Sacred Sciences together with other related disciplines.

  6. University. The founding characteristic of the Pontifical Gregorian University is to be the Pontifical Ecclesiastical University entrusted by the Holy See to the Society of Jesus, a task reconfirmed by Benedict XVI.

  7. La Pontificia Università Gregoriana si colloca all'incrocio tra Chiesa e Società, tra fede e cultura, con vocazione specifica a servire la Chiesa Universale per mezzo dell'insegnamento e l'investigazione delle scienze sacre e di altre specialità con esse connesse.