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  1. Presbyterianism is a Reformed (Calvinist) Protestant tradition named for its form of church government by representative assemblies of elders. [2] Though there are other Reformed churches that are structurally similar, the word Presbyterian is applied to churches that trace their roots to the Church of Scotland or to English Dissenter groups ...

  2. Gereja Presbiterian. Gereja Presbiterian ( bahasa Inggris: Presbyterian Church) adalah salah satu denominasi di lingkungan Gereja-gereja Protestan, yang berakar pada gerakan Reformasi pada abad ke-16 di Eropa Barat. [1] Dari segi doktrin dan ajaran, Gereja Presbiterian mengikuti ajaran-ajaran Yohanes Calvin, Reformator dari Prancis. [2]

  3. Presbyterianism is a kind of Protestant Christianity. It was started in Scotland by John Knox during the 16th century. It became powerful in England during the Civil War. Today there are Presbyterian churches across the world. Presbyterians (followers of Presbyterianism) are Calvinists and believe The five points of Calvinism, also known as the ...

  4. Presbyterianism. branch of Protestant Christianity using presbyterian church government and originating in the British Isles. Upload media. Wikipedia. Instance of. religious denomination. Subclass of. Calvinism.

  5. Ierse Presbiterianisme het sy oorsprong in die Skotse migrasiegolwe na Ulster in die vroeë 17de eeu. Die oudste gemeente in Noord-Ierland is die Presbiteriaanse Kerk van Ballycarry wat in 1613 gestig is. Die jongste, die Presbiteriaanse Kerk Donabate in die graafskap Dublin, is in 2010 gevestig. Verwysings

  6. Stephen Grover Cleveland (18 de març, 1837 – 24 de juny, 1908) va ser el vint-i-dosè i vint-i-quatrè president dels Estats Units d'Amèrica.Cleveland és l'únic president que va exercir el càrrec dues legislatures no consecutives (1885–1889 i 1893–1897), i va guanyar en vot popular les eleccions de 1888 tot i que va ser elegit Benjamin Harrison en vots delegats, va ser l'únic ...

  7. De resultes de la Revolució Gloriosa el 1690 el presbiterianisme es va restaurar per llei. Excloent la que va passar a ser Església Episcopal Escocesa ( Scottish Episcopal Church ). Hi va haver diverses secessions dins l'Església presbiteriana escocesa (1733 i 1843) i es va formar la Free Church of Scotland (1843-1900) arribant a tenir moltes denominacions presbiterianes.