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  1. A Medalla de Ouro do RIBA (Royal Gold Medal (en inglés)) de arquitectura é un galardón que se outorga anualmente polo Real Instituto de Arquitectos Británicos (Royal Institute of British Architects, RIBA) en representación do monarca británico e como recoñecemento dunha contribución substancial (individual ou colectiva) á arquitectura internacional.

  2. Royal Gold Medal. Royal Gold Medal för arkitektur delas ut årligen av Royal Institute of British Architects på den brittiske kungens eller drottningens vägnar till en enskild person eller en grupp för ett stort bidrag till internationell arkitektur. Priset utdelas för ett bemärkt antal verk, snarare än för en enskild byggnad eller insats.

  3. RIBA page on Royal Gold Medal List of medal winners 1848-2008 (PDF) ( PDF ), su , RIBA (archiviato dall' url originale il 2 febbraio 2014) . Portale Architettura : accedi alle voci di Wikipedia che trattano di architettura

  4. › wiki › Lesley_LokkoLesley Lokko - Wikipedia

    Lesley Lokko. Lesley Naa Norle Lokko OBE (born 1964) is a Ghanaian -Scottish architect, academic, and novelist. [1] From 2019 to 2020, she was a professor and served as Dean of the Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture in New York, [2] in addition to holding teaching and other positions in Johannesburg, London, Accra and Edinburgh. [3]

  5. Royal Gold Medal. Arsitek Inggris Charles Robert Cockerell adalah penerima pertama Royal Gold Medal pada 1848. Royal Gold Medal untuk arsitektur [1] dianugerahi setiap tahun oleh Royal Institute of British Architects atas perantara monarki Britania Raya, dalam mengakui kontribusi substansial individual atau kelompok untuk arsitektur internasional.

  6. 18 de ene. de 2024 · It's worth it to go off-piste or to go off the beaten track." Lesley Lokko has won the 2024 RIBA Royal Gold Medal. Photo by Festus Jackson-Davis. Lokko is the first African woman to receive the ...

  7. Sir Michael John Hopkins CBE RA (7 May 1935 – 17 June 2023) was an English architect. [1] The RIBA Royal Gold Medal -winning architect founded Hopkins Architects with his wife Patty and was widely regarded as among the greatest of contemporary British architectural figures. [2] Michael, alongside Patty, was part of a select group of leading ...