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  1. 20 de dic. de 2023 · By Jamie Bernstein. December 20, 2023 7:00 AM EST. F ive years ago, my dad would have turned 100. The Leonard Bernstein Centennial was a pretty big deal—but I didn’t really grasp the scope of ...

  2. Leonard apja, Samuel Joseph Bernstein valószínűleg 1909-ben, tizenhat éves korában vándorolt ki Amerikába, ahol először halpucoló lett New Yorkban, majd miután sikerült összegyűjtenie némi pénzt, kis parókakészítő vállalkozást alapított.

  3. Printmaker & Artist. Shirley Bernstein is an award-winning printmaker and artist who has exhibited internationally throughout the art world. She has been celebrated by gallery curators and other artists and has had a life-long legacy of influence. Her works make the viewer ponder the world above us.

  4. Samuel Bernstein (1898–1987) was an American historian born in France. His field of study was history of social movements . His 1933 work The Beginnings of Marxian Socialism in France was a reworking of his thesis and has been criticized for its very narrow scope.

  5. Bernstein, Jennie Resnick (ca. 1898-1992) & Samuel Joseph (ca. 1992-1969) Leonard Bernstein’s parents. His father founded the Samuel J. Bernstein Hair Company, and was active at Temple Mishkan Tefila in Newton, Ma., and the Lubavitz Yeshiva of Roxbury.

  6. Shirley Bernstein. Producer: The Third Secret. Shirley Bernstein was born on 3 October 1923 in Lawrence, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. She was a producer, known for The Third Secret (1964), The Big Surprise (1955) and Down You Go (1951).

  7. Leonard Bernstein ( 25. srpna 1918, Lawrence, Massachusetts, USA – 14. října 1990, New York) byl americký dirigent, hudební skladatel, klavírista, pedagog, hudební popularizátor a televizní hvězda. Patřil mezi nejvýznamnější dirigenty své doby a byl také prvním americkým dirigentem, který získal mezinárodní uznání.