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  1. 中方认为此举用以規避「戰爭」字眼,構成「中日雙方從未正式宣戰」的理由,並在1941年偷襲珍珠港成功以前,成功以此避免作為重工業物資主要進口國的美國執行美國中立法「禁止出口戰爭原材料(war materials)至任何交戰國」的措施,以免日本國內軍備工業斷炊 。

  2. In general, developments in the Second Sino-Japanese War were to the advantage of the CCP, as its guerrilla war tactics had won them popular support within the Japanese-occupied areas. However, the KMT had to defend the country against the main Japanese campaigns, since it was the legal Chinese government, a factor which proved costly to Chiang Kai-shek and his troops.

  3. Second Sino-Japanese War crimes. This category includes articles on war crimes in China committed during the Second Sino-Japanese War .

  4. The Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-45) ensued, and relations with the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union deteriorated. The increased military activities in China--and the Japanese idea of establishing "Mengukuo" in Inner Mongolia and the Mongolian People's Republic--soon led to a major clash over rival Mongolia-Manchukuo border claims.

  5. This is a list of Japanese infantry weapons in Second Sino-Japanese War. Infantry Regular Artillery. 7cm Field Gun (75 mm) 7 cm Mountain Gun (75mm) Type 31 ...

  6. 1939年9月至1944年8月期間,中國軍隊與日軍在第九戰區有過4次大規模會戰,日軍先後出動66萬人次、共傷亡10.7萬人,國軍出動100多萬人次、共傷亡13萬人,在中國抗日戰爭中規模最大、歷時最長;直到1944年5月 第四次長沙會戰 ,激戰月餘,日軍才攻陷 長沙 [81 ...

  7. 2,700 killed. 7,800 wounded. tens of thousands. The Battle of Zaoyang–Yichang, also known as the Battle of Zaoyi ( Chinese: 棗宜會戰 ), was one of the 22 major engagements between the National Revolutionary Army and Imperial Japanese Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War .