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  1. Lubitsch reached great artistic heights with "To Be or Not to Be" (1942) and "Heaven Can Wait" (1943) before dying mid-career in 1947, leaving behind a legacy virtually unmatched by a filmmaker before or since. Born on Jan. 28, 1892 in Berlin, Germany, Lubitsch was raised in a Jewish home, the son of Simon, a tailor, and his mother, Anna.

  2. "Das nur einen Block entfernte Eckhaus in der Lothringer Straße 82 A, der heutigen Torstraße, wo der kleine Ernst am 29. Januar 1892 um sieben Uhr morgens als Sohn des Schneidermeisters Simon...

  3. Ernst Lubitsch's "Trouble in Paradise” reawakened my old feeling. It is about people who are almost impossibly adult, in that fanciful movie way -- so suave, cynical, sophisticated, smooth and sure that a lifetime is hardly long enough to achieve such polish. They glide. Advertisement. It is a comedy for three characters, plus comic relief in ...

  4. 8 de jun. de 2017 · Erwin Thiesies (22 August 1908 – 18 February 1993) was a German international rugby union player, playing for the Berliner SV 92 Rugby and the German national rugby union team.After the Second World War, Thiesies helped form the rugby department of BSG Stahl Hennigsdorf, which he coached until 1977. He was also the coach of the German ...

  5. Lubitsch-Biographen sehen in der kaufmännischen Ausbildung im Konfektionsgeschäft ein Zugeständnis an den Vater, dem aus Vilnius stammenden Simja (genannt Simon) Lubitsch, der, von Beruf Schneider, im Berliner Stadtteil Prenzlauer Berg ein Atelier besaß und von der Schauspielerei des Sohnes nicht viel hielt 66.

  6. Ernst Lubitsch (Berlín, 28 de enero de 1892-Los Ángeles, California; 30 de noviembre de 1947) fue un director de cine judío-alemán, nacido en Alemania, naturalizado ya en 1933 estadounidense, a donde había emigrado.

  7. As noted in the introduction, Simon Lubitsch’s migration to Berlin can be placed in the context of larger transnational patterns of migration, spe-cifically the migration of Jews fleeing the pogroms of Eastern Europe in the late nineteenth century. Describing the growth of Berlin’s Jewish popula-