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  1. Simon Marius (January 20, 1573 - December 26, 1624) Simon Mayr (Latinized Marius) was born in Gunzenhausen, Bavaria, on January 20, 1573. In 1586, he joined the Margrave of Ansbach's Capella and school. He was in the capella for three years, and in the school until 1801, when he was 26 years old. In the following, he went to Prague to join ...

  2. Simon Marius. Simon Marius. Simon Marius (ur. 10 / 20 stycznia 1573, zm. 26 grudnia 1624) – niemiecki astronom. Urodził się w Gunzenhausen, lecz większość swojego życia spędził w Ansbach . Prowadził szczegółowe obserwacje Jowisza, wyniki badań zebrał w swojej książce Mundus Iovialis [1]. Twierdzi w niej, że odkrył ...

  3. Simon Marius. Fue un matemático, médico, astrónomo alemán, a quien se debe el nombre de los cuatro satélites principales de Júpiter. Fue el primer europeo en describir la nebulosa de Andrómeda. Si bien descubrió los satélites de Júpiter al mismo tiempo que Galileo Galilei, publicó sus investigaciones con posterioridad a éste, quien ...

  4. 1 de nov. de 2018 · Born Simon Mayr (later Latinized to Marius) on January 10, 1573, in Gunzenhausen in the region of the Markgrafschaft of Ansbach (Bavaria, south Germany), where his father served as mayor of the city in 1576. From 1586 to 1601, he studied on and off at the Markgrafschaft’s Lutheran academy at Heilsbronn.

  5. Simon Marius. 1573-1624. German astronomer among the first to use the telescope for viewing celestial objects. He discovered Jupiter's satellites, if not before then shortly after Galileo, but waited until 1614 to publish his observations. Marius computed tables of the mean periodic motions of the Jovian satellites, directed attention to ...

  6. Simon Marius was a German astronomer who lived between 1573-1624. He made observations of the heavens using a telescope and published yearly astronomical tables. Throughout most of his life, Marius was troubled with charges of copying data from other scientists.

  7. Simon Marius hätte berühmt werden können, dank seiner astronomischen Entdeckungen. Doch den einzigen Ruhm, den er erlangte, war der eines Plagiators: Frankens Astronom wurde von Galileo Galilei ...