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  1. Muhammad II of Khwarazm. ' Alā' al-Din Muhammad ( Persian: علاءالدین محمد خوارزمشاه; full name: Ala ad-Dunya wa ad-Din Abul-Fath Muhammad Sanjar ibn Tekish) was the Shah of the Khwarazmian Empire from 1200 to 1220. His ancestor was Anushtegin Gharchai, a Turkic Ghulam who eventually became a viceroy of a small province named Khwarizm.

  2. El Imperio jorezmita también conocido como el Imperio corasmio 1 (en persa: خوارزمشاهیان ‎; Khwārazmshāhiyān, "reyes de Corasmia " ), fue una entidad política, fundada por los jorezmitas, una dinastía musulmana suní de origen mameluco turco, 2 un persianato que originariamente era vasallo del Imperio selyúcida en Asia ...

  3. Khwarazmshah Muhammad II was considered the absolute ruler, but the influence of his mother Turkan Khatun (Terken Khatun) was also great. Turkan Khatun even had the laqab : "the Ruler of the World" (Khudavand-e Jahaan), and another one for her decrees: "Protector of peace and faith, Turkan the Great, the ruler of women of both worlds."

  4. When a senior Mongol diplomat was executed by Khwarazmshah Muhammed II, the Khan mobilized his forces, estimated to be between 90,000 and 200,000 men, and invaded. The Shah's forces were widely dispersed and probably outnumbered—realizing his disadvantage, he decided to garrison his cities individually to bog the Mongols down.

    • 1219–1221
    • Khwarezmia annexed to the Mongol Empire
    • Mongol victory
    • Central Asia, Greater Iran
  5. ʿAlāʾ-al-Din Moḥammad ibn Tekeš (en persa: علاءالدین محمد خوارزمشاه; Nombre completo: Ala ad-Dunya wa ad-Din Abul-Fath Muhammad Sanjar ibn Tekish) fue el gobernante del Imperio Corasmio desde 1200 hasta 1220. Su antepasado era un esclavo turco que llegó a ser virrey de una pequeña provincia llamada Corasmia . Reinado [ editar]

    • علاءالدين محمد
    • Diciembre de 1220 o 1220, Abaskun (Irán)
  6. › wiki › KhwarazmKhwarazm - Wikipedia

    Khwarazm (/ x w ə ˈ r æ z ə m /; Old Persian: Hwârazmiya; Persian: خوارزم, Xwârazm or Xârazm) or Chorasmia (/ k ə ˈ r æ z m i ə /) is a large oasis region on the Amu Darya river delta in western Central Asia, bordered on the north by the (former) Aral Sea, on the east by the Kyzylkum Desert, on the south by the ...

  7. Quick Facts Shah of Khwarezm, Reign ... 'Alā' al-Din Muhammad was the Shah of the Khwarazmian Empire from 1200 to 1220. His ancestor was Anushtegin Gharchai, a Turkic Ghulam who eventually became a viceroy of a small province named Khwarizm.