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  1. › wiki › TentacleTentacle - Wikipedia

    In animal anatomy, tentacles usually occur in one or more pairs. Anatomically, the tentacles of animals work mainly like muscular hydrostats. Most forms of tentacles are used for grasping and feeding. Many are sensory organs, variously receptive to touch, vision, or to the smell or taste of particular foods or threats.

  2. Tentáculo. Imagen de una sepia, donde se aprecian sus dos tentáculos (más largos) y ocho brazos. En zoología, un tentáculo es un órgano alargado, flexible y móvil de algunas especies de animales, generalmente invertebrados. En anatomía animal, los tentáculos generalmente se disponen en uno o más pares. Anatómicamente, los tentáculos ...

  3. Definition. When used in a zoological context, the term tentacle refers to a slender, elongated, flexible organ that grows near the mouth of an animal. Tentacles are most common in invertebrates, although they are present in some vertebrates as well.

  4. Traducción detentacle | Diccionario PASSWORD Inglés-Español. tentacle. noun. /ˈtentəkl/. a long, thin, flexible arm-like or horn-like part of an animal, used to feel, grasp etc. tentáculo.

  5. A tentacle is a part of the body of an animal or plant that can move freely. They are like arms. Some invertebrates, like squid, sea anemones or hydras have them. They use the tentacles to catch food, or to grip the sourroundings. Some carnivorous plants, such as the Drosera, also may have tentacles.

  6. The tentacles, probably used during feeding, vary in number according to body size. The tentacles are long processes containing blood vessels and are continuous with the body cavity, or coelom. Rows of very thin single-celled units called pinnules are found on the tentacles.

  7. Tentacles are the things that look like long legs. Then it can hit its predators with the tentacle. This animal has tentacles with venom on them. When a clownfish chooses a sea anemone for a home, it lightly touches the tentacles with every part of its body to get used to the stings.

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