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  1. The Lincolnshire Poacher é unha canción tradicional inglesa asociada co condado de Lincolnshire. Está considerada como o himno non oficial do condado. Letra. When I was bound apprentice in famous Lincolnshire Full well I served my master for nigh on seven years Till I took up to poaching as you shall quickly hear

  2. The Lincolnshire Poacher (рус. Линкольнширский браконьер ) — прозвище загадочной мощной коротковолновой номерной радиостанции , использовавшей в качестве позывного сигнала отрывок одноимённой английской народной песни.

  3. Lincolnshire Poacher is a hard unpasteurised cow's milk cheese that is generally of a cylindrical shape with a rind resembling granite in appearance. [1] It is made at Ulceby Grange Farm in Alford, Lincolnshire, by craft cheesemaker Richard Tagg. [2] The cheese is matured for between 14 and 24 months, depending on when the milk was collected.

  4. The Lincolnshire Poacher (Zypern) The Lincolnshire Poacher. Ausschnitt einer Aussendung des Lincolnshire Poachers. The Lincolnshire Poacher war ein leistungsstarker Zahlensender, der seinen Namen von dem gleichnamigen englischen Volkslied erhielt, von dem er zwei Takte als Kennung ausstrahlte.

  5. Lincolnshire Poacher. " The Lincolnshire Poacher " foi uma poderosa estação de rádio ondas curtas emissora de números que transmitiu de Chipre do meio da década de 1970 até junho de 2008. A estação ganhou seu nome comumente conhecido por usar a melodia da canção popular inglesa "The Lincolnshire Poacher" como um sinal de intervalo.

  6. リンカーンシャー・ポーチャー (The Lincolnshire Poacher) は、1970年代 - 2008年 6月までキプロスから発信されていた短波の乱数放送。 イギリスのフォークソング "The Lincolnshire Poacher" の一節が使用されていたのでこの名で知られるようになった。

  7. The Conet Project. The Conet Project: Recordings of Shortwave Numbers Stations is a four- (later five-) CD set of recordings of numbers stations and noise stations released by Irdial-Discs beginning in 1997. Numbers stations are shortwave radio stations believed to be operated by government agencies to communicate with deployed spies.