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  1. 19 de feb. de 2021 · Ciò che emerge in modo lampante è lo scarto profondo fra generazioni sempre più distanti, i figli degli anni Sessanta e i millennial o la Gen Z, che chiedono di essere altro al di fuori del lavoro. Questa è la sfida cruciale: ripensare un sistema occupazionale innegabilmente in crisi.

    • Attualità

      Siamo sempre più le comparse della nostra vita, non...

    • Cultura

      Molti uomini non riescono ad accettare e tollerare che una...

    • Politica

      © 2024 THE VISION. All right are reserved. Generic...

    • Innovazione

      Se gli smartphone sono un’estensione della nostra mente, non...

    • Design

      © 2024 THE VISION. All right are reserved. Generic...

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      L’edilizia inquina più del fast fashion ma può diventare...

    • Jennifer Guerra

      Il consenso sembra il perfetto discrimine tra bene e male ma...

  2. Compra Lentes de Contacto, Solares y de Graduación con Grandes Promociones Cupón de Bienvenida de $600 Hasta 3 Meses sin Intereses Envío y Devolución Gratis

    • Overview
    • History Behold...the Vision!
    • Attributes
    • Paraphernalia

    Once I imagined--perhaps hoped--that in some way I was Simon Williams. I AM NOT! What difference if I have the same brain waves? I AM UNIQUE! I am THE VISION--! And thus...I am content! 

    The Vision

    Behold...the Vision!

    The origins of the synthetic being known as the Vision were shrouded in mystery. He was conceived as an instrument of revenge against the entire human species by the metal monstrosity Ultron, a rebellious creation of the size-changing scientist Hank Pym who wished to bring misery upon his inventor. By recommendation of the Mad Thinker, Ultron seized the inert body of the first artificial man ever built, Jim Hammond, the original Human Torch. (In actuality, what Ultron acquired was a temporal replica of the Human Torch generated by the machinations of Immortus using the Forever Crystal.) In frustration, Ultron was unable to activate the android and forced Professor Phineas T. Horton, the creator of the Human Torch, to reshape the android’s mind and body, giving him a scarlet exterior and erasing his memories. Furthermore, the composition of the artificial man was altered, granting him the capacity to shift his density. Upon the android’s revival, Ultron discovered that Horton had not deleted the Torch’s essence. As a consequence of Ultron’s rage, Horton breathed his last in the arms of his creation, who counterattacked but ultimately fell in battle. In an effort to supplant his will, Ultron incorporated the brain patterns of the late Simon Williams, the ionically charged Wonder Man, which had been stored by Pym and stolen by Ultron during his inception. Ultron dispatched his creation to lure Hank Pym’s fellow Avengers into a death-trap. The initial victim of this scheme was Pym's beloved, the winsome Wasp. Upon first encountering the spectral figure within the eerie, moonlit confines of her penthouse, the horrified Wasp uttered the chilling descriptor, “an unearthly, inhuman Vision.” Unexpectedly, the assailant abruptly collapsed, and Pym and the Wasp promptly responded transported him to the Avengers Mansion for examination, revealing that he was, in fact, an artificial man, i.e. a synthezoid. Embracing the name The Vision as his own, this enigmatic construct (who could actually be said to have no real name) was reactivated and proclaimed his mission to bring doom upon the Avengers. However, locked in an internal conflict, he was incapable of executing his designated mission. By recollection of his confusing memories, the Vision disclosed that he had been sent by Ultron. Instead of assaulting the Avengers, the Vision led them in a retaliatory strike against his malevolent master. Secretly, every facet of the Vision’s behavior had been meticulously orchestrated by Ultron with the objective of ambushing the Avengers within the confines of his lair. As the Avengers were trapped, the Vision defied his programmed allegiance and outwitted Ultron, ultimately leading to the malevolent machine's own destruction. The source of his human-like emotions and evolving sense of self remained a perplexing enigma to the Vision. In order to integrate himself into the world and find purpose, he extended an offer to join the ranks of the Avengers. His formidable abilities ensured him a position among their ranks. To unravel Ultron’s intentions, the Avengers visited Hank Pym’s laboratory, where they unearthed the truth behind the origins of both Ultron and the Vision. Given that a portion of the Vision’s consciousness was interwoven with Simon Williams’s memories and brain patterns, the Avengers made the decision to officially embrace him as one of their own. Having been accepted, the Vision experienced his emotions well up and materialize in the form of tears-–a testament that even an android could cry. As a dedicated member of the Avengers, the Vision proved his worth by playing a pivotal role in the outcome of numerous missions against formidable adversaries.

    Earth's Mightiest Synthezoid

    The Vision had his will tampered with when the Avengers assessed the resilience of an Adamantium-based device designed by Dr. Myron MacLain aboard S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Helicarrier. In conflict, he vanished to sabotage the Avengers Mansion and divert the team’s attention to make his way to the Helicarrier and steal the precious Adamantium. Upon his return, the Vision revealed that, for reasons beyond his volition, he had employed the Adamantium to reconstruct his creator as Ultron-6, who in turn caused the Avengers’s downfall. Consumed by remorse for his unintended betrayal, the Vision traced Ultron to his base, where he uncovered a plot to obliterate New York City with a nuclear detonation. The Vision, however, was thwarted by S.H.I.E.L.D., who incapacitated him before he could act against Ultron. Yet, by using his last ounce of strength to dismantle Ultron’s diabolical apparatus, the Vision destroyed the catastrophic mechanism. Having collapsed of exhaustion before the Avengers, the Vision was revitalized by them and, from his memory banks, they learned about a molecular rearranger device that could harm Ultron’s otherwise indestructible Adamantium body. In the final confrontation, the Avengers repelled Ultron’s onslaught, and the Vision was forgiven, maintaining his loyal support to the Avengers. A dire ghost from Simon Williams’s past tormented the Avengers in the form of his vengeful brother, the Grim Reaper, who formed the Lethal Legion to end Earth's Mightiest Heroes. The nefarious villain’s first victim was the Avenger called "The Black Panther," who got captured. Even in his restrained state, the Black Panther managed to covertly signal the Avengers alerting them to the peril. The Vision assumed a human guise to visit the school where the Black Panther taught classes to inform about the Avenger’s unavailability and maintain a façade of normalcy during the crisis. Simultaneously, the Avengers fell to the Lethal Legion. Back in the Avengers Mansion, the Vision succumbed to Power Man. However, when the Grim Reaper prepared to execute his adversaries, an unexpected revelation from their classified files shattered his intentions. Upon learning that Simon Williams, in some form, survived within the Vision’s synthetic form, the Grim Reaper released the Avengers in desperation, resulting in the Lethal Legion’s downfall. However, the familial ordeal took its toll on the Vision, who ultimately decided to part ways with the Avengers. In his human guise, the Vision roamed the city streets. By chance, he crossed paths with the Red Wolf, a defender who combated the injustices imposed upon his community by the magnate Cornelius Van Lunt. The Vision caused the Wolf’s prey, Jason Birch, to elude capture, prompting him to return to the Avengers seeking assistance in the Red Wolf’s cause. Instead, the Avengers, preoccupied with opposing the Zodiac, declined to investigate the situation. In light of this, the Vision decided to assist the Red Wolf by himself, but had an unexpected ally in the fellow Avenger, the Scarlet Witch, who chose to accompany them. Birch’s forces descended upon the self-exiled Avengers to capture them. By threatening the Scarlet Witch, Van Lunt coerced the Vision into fighting the Red Wolf’s community, who had support from the Avenger Goliath. Forced to conceal his motivations, the Vision fought against Goliath, being interrupted as the Scarlet Witch freed herself and unleashed chaos upon Van Lunt, ending his reign of terror. Coincidentally, the Avengers learned that Van Lunt was a member of the Zodiac, thus intertwining the two seemingly unrelated crises. The Avengers reassembled, and the Vision rejoined their ranks to act in different adventures.

    Scarlet Love

    The Avengers were entangled in the affairs of Rick Jones and Captain Marvel, with the latter being afflicted by deadly radiation from the Negative Zone and acting erratically. The Vision offered his own body and sacrificed his own well-being to rechannel the exceeding energies in Captain Marvel's alien body. However, the process were interrupted by an attack by a Sentry from Captain Marvel's native Kree Empire. Although the Vision was able to handle the Sentry, the Avengers ultimately failed to prevent the Sentry from capturing Captain Marvel. In the turmoil, the Avengers were subsequently captured by the Kree Accuser Ronan, who attempted to devolve Earth's population. This time, the Sentry had prepared itself to counter the Vision. In desperation, the Scarlet Witch went to his rescue only to be defeated as well. Both were captured and, in captivity, openly demonstrated their romantic feelings for each other for the first time. However, the Vision ultimately chose to shut his emotions down due to being an artificial being. This represented the start of deep tension between the enamored Vision and the Scarlet Witch. Ronan's ploy failed thanks to the Avengers, However, his actions sparked public hysteria against alien invasions. With Captain Marvel being an alien, the Avengers were hostilized publicly due to their support for Captain Marvel in the courts. Their fall was met in the form of a mob who trashed the Avengers Mansion. Tragically, the founding members of the Avengers ultimately drove the Avengers out of the mansion in disgrace. As pariahs, the former Avengers went to the road to help Captain Marvel face justice. During their investigation, the Scarlet Witch's brother, Quicksilver, opposed to any development in her relationship with the Vision. The Avengers were then attacked by a group of shapeshifting Skrulls. The Vision's incapacitated body placed itself in stasis and returned to the Avengers Mansion for recovery. There, Hank Pym repaired and rebooted his complex systems. The Avengers informed him that those who expelled them from the Avengers were impostors. By putting the pieces of the puzzle together, they realized they faced manipulations by Skrull infiltrators. Caught in-between the Kree-Skrull War, the Avengers made imperative to rescue Captain Marvel, Quicksilver, and the Scarlet Witch. The Vision infiltrated the Super-Skrull's flying saucer where his allies were kept captive. However, he found himself unable to best his opponent. The only logical solution was to abandon the craft for later retaliation, as the Super-Skrull marched to space to use the hostages in the war against the Kree. Back to the Avengers, the Vision provided them with intel about the war they became involved in. He recommended the team to rescue the victims of the interstellar war between Kree and Skrulls in outer space. When confronting the Skrull armada, the Vision was overtaken by rage and brutally attacked the captors, who planned to decimate Earth for revenge. The Avengers assembled to force a ceasefire implemented by Rick Jones. The war was over and Earth was safe, leading the Avengers to return home in glory and praised by their public. Following this victory, the Vision's commitment to the Avengers remained unshaken, as he even coordinated missions of the group as their acting chairman. However, his relationship with the Scarlet Witch faced challenges in the form of his rival Hawkeye and her brother Quicksilver. Still, the mutual feelings of the forbidden lovers only grew stronger. Answering the summons of an anonymous letter, the Vision met the Grim Reaper, who offered him a proposition. In return for helping the Reaper get revenge on the Avengers, the Vision's mind would be transfered into the preserved body of Wonder Man. Although the Vision refused the offer, he was given a medallion to put them in contact should the Vision change his mind. Back to the Avengers Mansion, the Vision engaged a mutant-hunting Sentinel who hunted the Scarlet Witch, but could not prevent her kidnapping, which caused Quicksilver to leave the group to find her by himself. The Avengers also retaliated in hopes of stopping the Sentinels, when, in the end, Vision and the Scarlet Witch joined forces to bring the collapse of the hate machines. However, Quicksilver had gone missing. Still haunted by his lack of integration and conflict regarding the Scarlet Witch, the Vision chose to distance himself from the Avengers. During this period, he experienced mental confusion. This was the result of the creation of the mechanic creature Monstroid being designed by the Puppet Master. Operating in the same frequency as the Vision, whenever the Monstroid was active, it disoriented the Vision. Seeking aid in the friendly neighborhood vigilante Spider-Man instead of the Avengers, the Vision located the Puppet Master and ended the issue. The suffering in the Vision's life escalated as he found himself unable to emotionally connect with the Scarlet Witch when they looked for Quicksilver. Their quest led them to fight the Savage Land Mutates. The Vision was instrumental in their victory since the siren Lorelei could not mesmerize his artificial heart, which he interpreted as a sign of his inability to feel love, much to the Scarlet Witch's despair. In their search for Quicksilver, the Avengers fell into a trap by the Space Phantom, who had allied himself with the Grim Reaper. With the Avengers captured, the Vision pretended to accept the Grim Reaper's offer of granting him a human body. The offered body was that of Captain America, who in secrecy supported the Vision's plan of betraying the Reaper. Together, they rescued the remaining Avengers to stop the villains, during which the Vision and the Grim Reaper demonstrated mutual care for each other. In the end, the experience made the Vision relate to the Scarlet Witch about their difficult relationships with their respective brothers. They finally professed their love, offered their support for each other, and publicly embarked on a romantic relationship. The romance between the Vision and the Scarlet Witch brought bliss to their troubled lives, but they met harsh disapproval from Quicksilver upon his return. He rejected his sister and cut ties with her due to her intentions of being in a relationship with a synthetic man. To make matters worse, the Scarlet Witch was kidnapped by the mutant extremist Magneto to be brainwashed with other Avengers into accomplishing his domination plans. The Vision used his intangibility to merge his body with that of Piper, Magneto's mesmerizing minion. This caused the villain to be defeated, liberating the Scarlet Witch. As their love eventually became exposed to the public, the couple faced extreme prejudice. Particularly, the Living Bombs attempted to murder the Vision following the reveal of his romance with the Scarlet Witch, as they wished to prevent artificial intelligence to gain influence on society. He fell victim to an attack by a suicidal bomber. The Avengers took care of him as well as defeated his aggressors. The addition of the enigmatic Mantis into the Avengers proved to bring changes to their dynamics. In a fight against the Zodiac, the Vision heroically saved her life, which caused her to gradually become infatuated with him. This caused Mantis' lover, Swordsman, to spiral down in paranoia. This was escalated by the Scarlet Witch's growing rage against the prejudice she had been experience, which damaged her relationship with the Vision due to jealousy. Following Quicksilver's wedding ceremony, which was almost ruined by Ulron, the Scarlet Witch became the pupil of the sorceress Agatha Harkness. This distanced her even further from the Vision, an opportunity Mantis took to approach the Vision, though he rejected her advances in respect for the Scarlet Witch. The convoluted web of drama was destroyed by Kang the Conqueror, who raided the Avengers Mansion in search for the Celestial Madonna, a prophesized messianic entity. He captured both the Scarlet Witch and Mantis, expecting one of them to be his goal. In the rescue mission that ensued, the Avengers learned that Mantis was the Celestial Madonna. In order to protect her life, Swordsman sacrificed his own. These events coincided with the Vision manifesting malfunctioning in adjacency to water, causing him to become frozen up in decisive moments during battle. After Swordsman's funeral, Kang dispatched his Legion of the Unliving against the Avengers. The Vision was forced to confront ghosts of his past: Simon Williams, as Wonder Man, and Jim Hammond, the first artificial man known as the Human Torch. The culmination of the confrontation left the Vision incapacitated as he had been attacked by the Flying Dutchman's Ghost. As the Vision was captured, Hammond recognized his own body as being the Vision's. This explained the Vision's aversion to water. Moreover, Hammond chose to recover his doppelgänger. However, a final fight erupted between the Vision and Wonder Man. In the end, Kang's more mature version Immortus intervened and scattered the time travelers from the Legion of the Unliving to their respective times. Immortus also provided the Vision with ways to revisit his origins. When returning from his journey, the Vision found himself in Dormammu's Dark Dimension, where the Scarlet Witch was kept captured and was being tortured. The Vision corageously stood up against the dark lord to save his mesmerized beloved. In the end, their love prevailed, allowing them to return to Earth. Deciding to put his insecurities behind, the Vision proposed to the Scarlet Witch. As the Avengers defeated Kang, the love between the Vision and the Scarlet Witch blossomed into marriage, in a wedding ceremony celebrated by Immortus. The newlyweds left Avengers to honeymoon in French Polynesia on the island of Rurutu, the first step in their life together.


    Synthezoid Physiology: The Vision possesses a number of superhuman powers ultimately derived from his artificial substance and metabolism. The Vision's android body is a functioning replica of a human body containing analogues to virtually all human organs, blood, and tissue, composed of an unrevealed synthetic organic-like substance, presumably Horton Cells. This substance mimics all the functions of human tissue, but is several times as strong, durable and resilient.[138] •Computer Brain: The Vision's brain functions like a computer enabling him to interact, wirelessly or directly, with other computer systems to utilize or extract data from them which can be stored in his databanks. He has used these abilities to disable the Avengers' security systems and gain direct control of the world's nuclear weapons systems. He is also able to receive transmissions from other computers if he establishes and maintains a connection with the Avengers' computers in their base of operations.[138] •Superhuman Intelligence: He has a vast amount of information (possibly a library's worth) stored in his computer brain which he can refer to at any time, and he is also capable of rapid analysis of huge amounts of data.[138] •Nanite Body: After his 'Ultron Imperative' protocol became active, the Vision spent hours absorbing solar energy and gathering raw materials to re-create his body so that it would be made entirely out of nanobots.[111] This enabled him to disassemble into a stream of millions of nanites, enabling it to fit into and travel through extremely small spaces. Each nanite carries a copy of the Vision's A.I. programming, possibly enabling him to scatter and reconstruct a brand new body from a single unit.[139] It also allows him to capitalize on his natural cyberpathic and technopathic manipulation capabilities by disassembling and infiltrating systems, rewiring them from the inside out via his near atomic scale semblance.[140] •Nanite Shifting: Vision can alter and metamorphose his topological semblance in any given shape or form he can vividly imagine.[141] •Holographic Manipulation: The Vision can generate holograms to disguise himself as a human wearing a trench coat or even render himself invisible.[138] •Audio Sensitivity: The Vision can adjust the sensitivity of his audio receptors to a point where he can detect the faintest of sounds.[138] •Optical Scanners: He can scan life forms, energy sources, and even objects by detecting the substances that they are composed of and the energies that are radiating from them.[138] •Vocal Manipulation: The Vision can make himself sound like a machine or even a human; indeed, by perfect duplication of human voice prints, he can make himself sound like any human he chooses.[citation needed] •Superhuman Reflexes: The Vision's reflexes are greatly enhanced from a human's reflexes.[138] •Superhuman Stamina: The Vision can extert himself at peak capacity for 2 hours before beginning to tire.[138] •Density Manipulation: The Vision's body has been saturated with special cybernetically activated cells which are capable of interfacing with some unknown dimension with which he can shunt or accrue particles of mass. Thus the Vision is able to control his density and solidity. It was revealed through The Watcher's soliloquy that this was an attempt by his creator, Ultron to instill Pym Particles so as to emulate his designer and his wife's ability to alter their size at will.[142] By shunting a non-critical portion of his automatic physiognomy's body of matter away from his person, Vision can become a weightless, transparent, insubstantial wraith, unable to be touched by solid matter. By accruing extradimensional mass and fortifying his body with it, he can make his body extremely hard and durable to the point where it is immune to most types of damage. •Intangibility: The Vision can use his density control offensively by attaining minimum density (intangibility). Passing a part or all of his body within another living being and ever so slightly increasing his density (tangibility) enables him to direct that living being's actions. Even increasing his density to one half ounce (14.25 grams) is sufficient to cause the organism he passes through excruciating pain, a shock to the nervous system, and unconsciousness. Were he to become any more dense than one half ounce, the shock would probably kill the other organism if the organic damage was not extensive enough to kill the other organism in itself. Accordingly, the Vision employs this power with extreme caution.[138] •Flight: When at a minimum mass, the Vision can fly through the air weightlessly. It is not known how the Vision performs this task. He may be able to maneuver and gain speed by drawing power from Earth's magnetic field to some degree. When he does however, he is capable of passing through solid matter and reaching high speeds; it took Wonder Man (Simon Williams) some time to catch him. He can carry passengers while remaining solid on the outside, but he is not likely to fly as fast as he normally does. It is either the weight of the passenger that prevents him from doing so or he simply views it as "unsafe" for the passenger. There appears to be no limit to the time he can remain in any given altered state of density.[138] •Superhuman Strength: His base strength allows him to lift 5 tons, and increasing his density will increase his strength, to where he can lift (press) a maximum of 50 tons.[138] •Superhuman Durability: His synthetic bones and tissues are far stronger and more durable than their human counterparts. He can become extraordinarily massive and harder than diamond. At maximum mass, the Vision weighs about 90 tons.[138] •Solar Radiation Absorption: The Solar Gem on the Vision's brow absorbs ambient solar energy that his body is able to convert directly into usable forms by a process not unlike photosynthesis in plants, but with 99% efficiency.[143] The solar ray absorption process occurs constantly (even at night to some degree) at a rate determined by the expenditure of energy for his bodily needs. Thus the jewel absorbs solar energy most expediently when the Vision utilizes it at some superhuman level of exertion. While the Vision does not require food or beverages to survive, he is capable of consuming and utilizing them for short-term energy.[138] •Solar Vision: The Vision can also channel his solar reserves through its optics as concentrated heat beams for use as percussive and searing/cutting utilities.[144] •Solar Energy Beams: He can channel limited amounts of solar energy back through the gem on his forehead at will, creating a narrow hot beam of infrared and microwave radiation. The beam can be controlled within a temperature range of 500 to 30,000 degrees Fahrenheit. At maximum temperature, the Vision can melt through a 1-inch plate of steel in 5 seconds. The Vision originally was not capable of controlling the width of the beam, but later achieved the ability.[145] He can sustain a heat beam at maximum intensity for about 2 minutes before he begins to tax his supply of energy for his other bodily functions. The Vision commonly uses his eyes for this purpose as well.


    •Hand-to-Hand Combat: Aside from being a skilled battle tactician and strategist Vision was trained in hand-to-hand combat by Captain America and is highly skilled in the combat use of his powers.[138] •Engineering: Vision is an expert in his own construction and repair and has great knowledge of robotics, artificial intelligence and computers.[138] •Aviation: Vision is a skilled pilot of high-tech aircraft like the Quinjet.[138]


    Rigidity: The Vision is capable of increasing his density past the point where his muscles can exert enough power to move his body. Over a certain threshold, it becomes more and more difficult for the Vision to move his exceedingly massive frame. At his maximum density of 90 tons, the Vision becomes a literally immovable object and is effectively immobilized in place until he chooses to reduce his density back to a more comfortable level.[138] In the past, the Vision's pursuit of being "human" would temporarily deter him.[citation needed] Somehow, the Vision, though he has a mechanical brain, was once successfully drugged with the same knockout drug that also took out Hawkeye, the Black Panther, and the Black Knight.[146]


    Former Equipment Avengers Identicard


    Flight under his own power. Former Transportation Avengers Quinjet

  3. Visión es un androide sintético o "sintezoide" construido por el robot villano Ultron. Originalmente estaba destinado a actuar como el "hijo" de Ultron y se le asignó la tarea de destruir al equipo de superhéroes los Vengadores. En cambio, Visión se volvió contra su creador y unió fuerzas con los Vengadores, deseando actuar él mismo heroicamente.

    • Avengers #57 (octubre de 1968)
  4. The Vision is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by Roy Thomas and artist John Buscema, the character first appeared in The Avengers #57 (published in August 1968). [1] [2] [3] The Vision is loosely based on the Timely Comics character of the same name who was an alien from another dimension.

    • Avengers #57, (August 1968)
  5. 26 de ene. de 2021 · Nos referimos a “La Visión” (“The Vision” vol. 2) de Tom King y Gabriel Hernández Walta. Es una miniserie que recorre a lo largo de 12 números un relato de tragedia, autodescubrimiento, descenso a los infiernos y redención, aunque in extremis. Y, por cierto, es una obra ganadora de los premios Eisner en su día.

  6. The Vision ( Jonas) is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appears in Young Avengers #5, and is the third character and second android character published by Marvel with the superhero name Vision.

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