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  1. Wellbeing. Sport. Music. Boarding. The Latest from Ipswich School. - Prep - Caring for children, encouraging learning. Educating individuals, releasing potential. - Sixth Form - Encouraging independence, building futures. Find out more. - The Lodge - Find out more. - OUR COMMUNITY -

  2. Queen Elizabeth II. Website. Ipswich School is a public school (English private boarding and day school) for pupils aged 3 to 18 in Ipswich, Suffolk, England . North of the town centre, Ipswich School has four parts on three adjacent sites.

    • 1399; 624 years ago
    • Semper Eadem, (Latin for Always The Same)
  3. Find out more information about Ipswich School's fees. This includes prep, senior, boarding, lunch, breakfast, and late stay.

  4. 伊普斯维奇公学是位于英国萨福克郡的一所顶尖私立学校。 根据《星期天泰晤士日报》“家长力量”的排名,它是每年都位列英国前150名的优质中学。 成立于约1399年的伊普斯维奇公学不仅是英格兰历史最悠久的学校之一久负盛名也是莎士比亚戏剧中提到过的唯一一所学校。 我们的学生考试成绩优异,升读去向包括牛剑在内的顶尖大学,毕业后选择学医的学生为数众多。 2020年,我们有7名学生升入牛剑,8名学生报读医学。 最重要的是,我们的学生能在这里获得学习的快乐,他们既能够充分发挥自己的潜能,也充分享受我们友好的校园氛围。 课程和课外活动. Curriculum & co-curricular activities. 我们提供广泛的A Level课程和超过25种不同的科目。