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  1. 4 de feb. de 2022 · English: The Treaty of Sèvres of 10 August 1920 was intended to finalise World War I for the Ottoman Empire. Italiano: Il trattato di Sèvres è stato il trattato di pace firmato tra le potenze alleate della Prima guerra mondiale e l'Impero ottomano il 10 agosto 1920 presso la città francese di Sèvres.

  2. Treaty of Lausanne. Borders of Turkey set by the Treaty of Lausanne. The Treaty of Lausanne ( French: Traité de Lausanne, Turkish: Lozan Antlaşması) is a peace treaty negotiated during the Lausanne Conference of 1922–23 and signed in the Palais de Rumine [1] [2] [3] in Lausanne, Switzerland, on 24 July 1923. [4]

  3. 17 de mar. de 2015 · The Treaty of Sèvres was signed on August 10th 1920 after more than fifteen months was spent on drawing it up. Great Britain, Italy and France signed it for the victorious Allies. Russia was excluded from the process and by 1920 America had withdrawn into a policy of isolation. The Treaty of Sèvres territorially carved up the ‘Sick Man of ...

  4. Traktat w Sèvres – traktat pokojowy podpisany 10 sierpnia 1920 roku pomiędzy Imperium Osmańskim, sojusznikiem Państw Centralnych z czasów I wojny światowej, a państwami Ententy po klęsce Imperium Osmańskiego w tej wojnie. Zawierał statut Ligi Narodów, opis nowych granic, klauzule o rozbrojeniu, o odszkodowaniach wojennych i innych ...

  5. 10 de ago. de 2015 · August 10, 2015, 8:28 PM. Ninety-five years ago today, European diplomats gathered at a porcelain factory in the Paris suburb of Sèvres and signed a treaty to remake the Middle East from the ...

  6. The Treaty of Sèvres (10 August 1920), which was signed in the aftermath of World War I, imposed harsh terms on the Ottoman Empire, but it was never ratified by the Ottoman Parliament in Istanbul. The Ottoman Parliament was officially disbanded by the Allies on 11 April 1920 due to the overwhelming opposition of the Turkish MPs to the provisions discussed in Sèvres.

  7. Treaty of Sèvres la Wikisource. Modifică date / text. Tratatul de la Sèvres (10 august 1920) a fost un tratat de pace dintre Imperiul Otoman și Puterile Aliate semnat la sfârșitul Primului Război Mondial. Tratatul de la Versailles cu Germania a fost semnat mai înainte de semnarea celui cu Turcia și a anulat toate concesiunile și ...