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  1. Gral. Alvear 941, Ituzaingó - CP 1714, Buenos Aires - Argentina. Tel.: 11 4661 5981 . -

  2. Niccolò Ugo Foscolo (ur. 6 lutego 1778 na Zakintos , Wyspy Jońskie , zm. 10 września 1827 w Chiswick , Londyn ) – poeta , prozaik i patriota , jedna z największych postaci włoskiej literatury narodowej ; wymieniany również jako najsłynniejszy pisarz swojej generacji oraz pierwszy włoski myśliciel skłaniający się ku tendencjom preromantycznym [1] .

  3. Ugo Foscolo was born, not as ‘Ugo’ but as ‘Nicolaos’ (or Niccolò), one winter’s day in 1778. Zante, the place of his birth, belonged for almost four centuries to the Venetian Republic, being one of the most remote regions of the empire and essentially, after the fall of Crete and the Morea (1715), its southernmost territory.

  4. Ugo Foscolo nacque il 6 febbraio 1778 a Zante, una delle isole ioniche, da padre veneziano e madre greca. Dopo la morte del padre si trasferì a Venezia, dove partecipò ai rivolgimenti politici del tempo manifestando simpatie verso Napoleone, salvo pentirsene amaramente dopo il trattato di Campoformio. È considerato il primo grande intellettuale dell'età neoclassica. Figlio naturale...

  5. › wiki › Ugo_FoscoloUgo Foscolo - Wikiquote

    Ugo Foscolo «Una parte de los hombres obra sin pensar; la otra piensa sin obrar». Véase también Biografía en Wikipedia. Multimedia en Wikimedia Commons. Datos en Wikidata. Esta página contiene citas de una persona fallecida hace 197 años.

  6. Contemporary with the Romantic generation, peer of Keats, Holderlin, and Goethe, and forerunner of Valcrv and Pound, Ugo Foscolo is nevertheless little known outside Italy. In an endeavor to discover" this exemplary European poet for English-speaking readers, and to "rediscover" him for Italian readers, Glauco Cambon examines both textually and ...

  7. Ugo Foscolo and the Poetry of Exile 125 by this predicament amounts to a kind of victory in defeat, and it counter vails, if it does not justify, the doom visited upon the respective protagonists. Something of each paradigmatic situation, and of the correlative literary response, reappears in Dante's medieval career, which would be unthinkable

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