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  1. Der paarige Nervus vagus, kurz Vagus, wird auch zehnter Hirnnerv, N. X genannt. Er ist der größte Nerv des Parasympathikus und an der Regulation der Tätigkeit fast aller inneren Organe beteiligt. Sein großes Verbreitungsgebiet war auch namensgebend, der Name leitet sich von lateinisch vagari („umherschweifen“) ab, wörtlich übersetzt ...

  2. The meningeal branch of the vagus nerve is one of the first branches of the vagus nerve at the level of the superior ganglion. The neuron cell bodies reside within the superior ganglion and innervate the dura mater in the posterior cranial fossa of the base of the skull. [1] [2] The meningeal branch passes back into the skull through the ...

  3. Nodosum’. The inferior ganglion of the vagus nerve (also known as the nodose ganglion) is one of the two sensory ganglia of each vagus nerve (cranial nerve X). It contains neuron cell bodies of general visceral afferent fibers and special visceral afferent fibers. [1] It is situated within the jugular fossa just below the skull.

  4. The pharyngeal plexus is a nerve plexus located upon the outer surface of the pharynx. It contains a motor component (derived from the vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) ), a sensory component (derived from the glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve IX) ), and sympathetic component (derived from the superior cervical ganglion ). [1]

  5. Vagal maneuver. A vagal maneuver is an action used to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system by activating the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the longest nerve of the autonomic nervous system and helps regulate many critical aspects of human physiology, including heart rate, blood pressure, sweating, and digestion through the release of ...

  6. Pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve. Pharyngeal plexus of vagus nerve. Posterior gastric branches of posterior vagal trunk. Posterior vagal trunk. Pulmonary plexus.

  7. 7 de nov. de 2022 · The vagus nerve (cranial nerve [CN] X) is the longest cranial nerve in the body, containing both motor and sensory functions in both the afferent and efferent regards. The nerve travels widely throughout the body affecting several organ systems and regions of the body, such as the tongue, pharynx, heart, and gastrointestinal system. Because of the wide distribution of the nerve throughout the ...