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  1. Forma verbal [ editar] 1. Primera persona del plural (nosotros, nosotras) del imperativo afirmativo de irse (con el pronombre «nos» enclítico). 1. Uso: para el negativo se emplea el presente del subjuntivo: «no nos vayamos ». Relacionado: vayámonos (nosotros).

  2. 2 de dic. de 2014 · Hola. La primera persona del plural del verbo "ir" tiene dos formas para el imperativo: vamos, vayamos. (Si se agrega el pronombre enclítico "nos": vámonos, vayámonos) Es incorrecto vámosnos/vayámosnos. Cuando la forma verbal conjugada termina en "s" y a aquella se le agrega el clítico "nos", dicha "s" debe suprimirse.

    • What’s The Difference Between ‘Vamos’ and ‘Vámonos’ in Spanish?
    • When & How to Use ‘Vamos’ in Spanish
    • When & How to Use ‘Vámonos’ in Spanish
    • Wrapping Up

    Although they look almost the same, ‘vamos’ and ‘vámonos’ are not synonyms. In fact, each one of these verbs has its own meaning and, therefore, you need to apply them in different contexts. For starters, these words come from different verbs: Vamos = Ir – Present tense conjugation for ‘nosotros’. Vámonos = Irse – Reflexive and imperative form for ...

    In Spanish, ‘vamos’ is the present tense conjugation for ‘nosotros’. ‘Vamos’ comes from ‘ir’, as a result, this verb is expressing that you and someone else are leading or going somewhere. ‘Ir’ is the direct translation of ‘to go’, therefore, ‘vamos’ would be ‘we go’. Vamos a + [la / el] + [place] Mis primas y yo vamos a la playa todos los fines de...

    ‘Vámonos’ is an imperative form of the verb ‘irse’ (to leave) and it’s conjugated for the first plural person (nosotros – we). In Spanish, you use ‘vámonos’ to tell your friends or companions that it is time for you all to leave the place where you are right now. Therefore, ‘vámonos’ could be either translated as ‘let’s leave’ or ‘let’s go’. When u...

    ‘Vamos’ and ‘vámonos’ can be confusing for new and experienced Spanish learners since both verbs look like different forms of the verb ‘ir’. That’s why in this article, we discussed the differences between these words as well as the most common contexts where you can apply them. Here are some key points that should always keep in mind: Vamos 1. It ...

  3. Diving Deeper... Spanish learners often wonder about the difference between vamos and vámonos. Both of these words are used to mean let's go and they are both nosotros command forms of the verb ir. The difference is that vámonos is the command form with a pronoun attached. vámonos = vamos + nos (direct object pronoun in 1st person plural)

  4. En efecto, las flexiones verbales usadas con valor exhortativo de la primera persona del plural pierden la s cuando llevan pospuesto el enclítico nos:vámonos, vayámonos, hagámonos, alejémonos, sentémonos, sintámonos, levantémonos, etcétera.

  5. vámonos, amigos. let's go, my friends. vámonos al baño. let's go to the bathroom. vámonos, muchacho. let's go, boy. vámonos de aquí. let's get out of here. Machine Translators.

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