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  1. Winner of the Robert H. Ferrell Book Prize“The Idealist is a powerful book, gorgeously written and consistently insightful. Samuel Zipp uses the 1942 world tour of Wendell Willkie to examine American attitudes toward internationalism, decolonization, and race in the febrile atmosphere of the world’s first truly global conflict.”—Andrew Preston, author of Sword of the Spirit, Shield of ...

  2. 8 de nov. de 2018 · A Very Winning Loser. “I’d watch Willkie,” wrote the New York Times columnist Arthur Krock in February 1939, quoting an anonymous Republican observer who admitted that Wendell Willkie was a “long shot” candidate for the presidency of the United States and “the darkest horse in the stable” for 1940. Readers of the Times may have ...

  3. 9 de oct. de 2018 · Wendell Willkie is little-remembered now. Six decades later, the ideas he advanced, and examples he set, have renewed significance. In a time as bitterly divided as our own, Willkie rejected ...

  4. Hace 5 días · Freedom House, U.S. nongovernmental organization that promotes democracy and monitors the extent of political and economic freedom in countries throughout the world. Freedom House was founded in 1941 by a bipartisan group that included Wendell Willkie, the Republican presidential nominee in 1940, and Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of Democratic Pres ...

  5. Edith Willkie (1890-1978),1918年结婚. 母校. 印第安納大學. 专业. 律師. 宗教信仰. 美國聖公會. 签名. 溫德爾·路易斯·威爾基 (Wendell Lewis Willkie 發音: /ˈwɪlki/ ;本名路易斯·溫德爾·威爾基(Lewis Wendell Willkie),1892年2月18日—1944年10月8日), 美國 政治人物、 律師 ...

  6. 15 de nov. de 2020 · Wendell Willkie, born in 1892 and raised in a modest household in Elwood, Indiana, had a vibrant journey on his way to the Republican convention in 1940. From working in the Caribbean where first-hand experience of plantations catalysed his anti-imperialist fervour, to removing the Ku Klux Klan from a school board whilst serving as an attorney, Willkie was not a career politician.

  7. Wendell Willkie, a Midwestern businessman-turned-Republican politician, fought for desegregation, workers’ rights, and small government in his 1940 bid for president. As a result, he won the largest percentage of Republican votes in a generation.