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  1. Friedrich Wilhelm von Bismarck. Friedrich Wilhelm von Bismarck in the uniform of the 20th Ulans. Friedrich Wilhelm Graf von Bismarck (28 July 1783 – 18 June 1860) was a German lieutenant general, diplomat and military writer. He wrote several major military-political works and military histories, which were very pro-Napoleon.

  2. 13 de ene. de 2021 · In 1871, after waging three wars in seven years, Prussia under the leadership of Wilhelm I and Otto von Bismarck, succeeded in unifying the loosely confederated states of northern and southern ...

  3. Bismarck war loyal, doch er pflegte gegenüber dem König seinen Willen durchzusetzen. So bei den Kriegen, die der Reichseinigung dienten und der Kaiserproklamation in Versailles, wo er gegen Wilhelms Willen dafür sorgte, dass der Kaiser künftig "Deutscher Kaiser" hieß und nicht wie von Wilhelm gewünscht "Kaiser von Deutschland".

  4. Bismarck's Fall from Power, 1890. [A struggle for power between Otto von Bismarck and Kaiser Wilhelm II broke out immediately upon the death of Kaiser Frederick III (1888). The "dropping of the pilot" and the setting of a "new course" in 1890 signified the end of an era, a watershed in modern German history. Many contemporaries looked back upon ...

  5. La familia Bismarck era de una familia de la antigua nobleza que antes de Otto von Bismarck no había dado ninguna personalidad relevante. Su padre, Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand von Bismarck (1771-1845), era un hacendado junker y antiguo General del Ejército prusiano. [9]

  6. Its science and technology, education, and municipal administration were the envy of the world. And its avant-garde artists reflected the ferment in European culture. After Otto von Bismarck’s departure from office in 1890, Germany played a decisive role in precipitating the cataclysm of the First World War.

  7. Friedrich Wilhelm Graf von Bismarck (28 de julio de 1783-18 de junio de 1860) fue un teniente general alemán, diplomático y escritor militar. Escribió varias obras político-militares e historias militares, que eran muy pro-Napoleón.