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  1. Yehudi Menuhin OM ( New York, 1916. április 22. – Berlin, 1999. március 12.) amerikai zsidó hegedűművész és karmester, aki művészi pályájának nagy részét az Egyesült Királyságban futotta be, végül brit állampolgár lett és lovaggá is ütötték. Louis Persinger, George Enescu és Adolf Busch tanítványa volt.

  2. Yehudi Menuhin founded the Yehudi Menuhin School in England in 1963, the International Music Academy for Young Graduate String Players in Switzerland in 1977, the Association “Live Music Now” encouraging young musicians and organizing concerts in hospitals, homes and other “isolated” places. In 1991, he founded the IYMF to ensure the ...

  3. The Yehudi Menuhin International Competition for Young Violinists (or simply the Menuhin Competition) is an international music competition for violinists under the age of 22. It was founded by Yehudi Menuhin in 1983 with the goal of nurturing young violinists. In its early years, the competition took place in Folkestone on the south coast of ...

  4. Yehudi Menuhin. Sir Yehudi Menuhin (n. 22 aprilie 1916, New York City, New York, SUA – d. 12 martie 1999, Berlin, Germania) a fost un celebru violonist și dirijor american, descendent al unei familii de evrei emigrați din Rusia. Pe lângă cetățenia americană, a dobândit ulterior și cetățenie elvețiană (1970) și britanică (1985 ...

  5. Yehudi Menuhin en 6 dates : 1927 Menuhin fait ses débuts, aux Concerts Lamoureux sous la direction de Paul Paray. 1952 Menuhin redécouvre le Premier Concerto de Mendelssohn. 1952 Menuhin voyage en Inde, où il découvre le yoga et le spiritualisme. 1965 Anobli par la reine Elisabeth II. 1981 Nommé président du Royal Philharmonic Orchestra ...

  6. Yehudi Menuhin cumpliría 100 años en el 2016, por ello queremos celebrar la fecha del centenario de su nacimiento con el proyecto Yehudi Menuhin, testigo del S. XX: Una vida dejando huella. Este aniversario será un acto en el cual se rinda homenaje al maestro, desde su dedicación a la Música,

  7. Yehudi Menuhin, Barão Menuhin de Stoke d'Abernon, OM, KBE ( Nova Iorque, 22 de abril de 1916 – Berlim, 12 de março de 1999) foi um violinista e maestro norte-americano que passou a maior parte de sua carreira no Reino Unido.