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  1. Tyutyunnyk was drafted into the Imperial Russian Army in 1913 and initially served in the 6th Siberian battalion in Vladivostok. With the outbreak of World War I, in 1914 he became a non-commissioned officer and was wounded during the Battle of Lodz, in Poland in October of that year.

  2. › pages\T\ITiutiunnyk, Yurii

    Senior officer in the Army of the Ukrainian National Republic. In 1917 he organized Ukrainian military units in Simferopol and Zvenyhorodka. He was a member of the Central Rada and chairman of the Kyiv Revolutionary Committee, which prepared the uprising against the Hetman government.

  3. Tiutiunnyk, Yurii [Тютюнник, Юрій; Tjutjunnyk, Jurij], b 20 April 1891 in Budyshcha, Hlukhiv county, Chernihiv gubernia, d (executed) 20 October 1930 in Moscow. Senior officer in the Army of the Ukrainian National Republic. In 1917 he organized Ukrainian military units in Simferopol and Zvenyhorodka.

  4. Tiutiunnyk was drafted into the Imperial Russian Army in 1913 and initially served in the 6th Siberian battalion in Vladivostok. With the outbreak of World War I, in 1914 he became a non-commissioned officer and was wounded during the Battle of Lodz , in Poland in October of that year.

  5. A military struggle for control of Ukraine waged intermittently in 191721 by Ukrainian independentist forces and pro-Bolshevik elements seeking to establish Soviet rule. The struggle began shortly after the October Revolution of 1917.

  6. Юрій (Юрко, Юртик) Тютюнник – видатний український військовий та політичний діяч, один із лідерів національно-визвольних змагань за незалежність України 1917-1921 років, генерал-хорунжий Армії УНР, автор кількох книг-спогадів про громадянську війну в Україні, співавтор сценарію фільму « Звенигора ».

  7. Media in category "Yuriy Tyutyunnyk". The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total. Tjutiunnyk Jurij (cropped).jpg 203 × 230; 28 KB. Tjutiunnyk Jurij.jpg 427 × 313; 88 KB. Tjutjunnyk 1929.jpg 250 × 328; 14 KB. Будище, звенигородщина Черкащини.