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  1. Las detenciones incluyeron a seguidores de los Reichsbürger, un movimiento que busca restaurar el imperio alemán creado en 1871, abolido en 1918 y solo brevemente restaurado por Adolf Hitler ...

  2. He met Adolf Hitler for the first time in October 1931, at a high-level conference in Berlin. Everyone present saw that they took an immediate dislike to each other. Afterwards Hindenburg in private often disparagingly referred to Hitler as "that Austrian corporal", "that Bohemian corporal " or sometimes simply as "the corporal" and also derided Hitler's Austrian dialect. [174]

  3. The talented author of the Shardlake stories ruffled feathers with Dominion, a counter-factual tale set after the Second World War. Jake Kerridge 29 April 2024 • 6:02pm. Adolf Hitler greets ...

  4. On April 30, 1945, hiding in a bunker under his headquarters in Berlin, Adolf Hitler swallows a cyanide capsule in the company of Eva Braun, whom he had married the day before, and then shoots himself. Soon after, Germany surrendered unconditionally to the Allied powers, ending Hitler's dreams of a…

  5. The Pittsburgh Press (April 29, 1945) May not be true yet – Hitler, high aides reported killed Rumors from Naziland swirl fast and furious Saturday, April 28, 1945 LONDON, England (UP) – U.S. troops captured Hans Goebbels today and reports from Switzerland said his notorious brother, Paul Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propaganda chief, Adolf Hitler and Hermann Goering all had been killed. Hans ...

  6. Keupp ist überzeugt: «Putin hat das gleiche Problem wie Adolf Hitler im Zweiten Weltkrieg.». Dies ist laut dem Militärökonomen auch der Grund, warum Wladimir Putin aktuell so viele Ressourcen «an der Front verbrennt». Es brauche aber Zeit, bis ein solch grosses Industriepotenzial hochgefahren sei – viel Zeit.

  7. Al grito de “Este golpe lo vamos a parar” y “Unidad Nacional”, cerca de 300 manifestantes de ultraderecha se están concentrando en en la calle Ferraz de Madrid este lunes por la noche ...

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