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  1. A number of works touch on aspects how Hitler’s narcissism manifested during the Nazi rule over Germany. Two works from a psychoanalytic viewpoint (Bromberg & Small, 1984; Waite, 1978) and one non-psychoanalytic work (Haycock, 2019) illuminate some of Hitler’s narcissistic traits.

  2. According to Nitze, Speer “leaned over backwards” to help, pointing the Americans to where they could find records of his reports to Hitlermany of which were held in a safe in Munich.

  3. Haciendo referencia al vínculo mediado por la hipnosis que –según Speer– caracterizó su relación con Hitler, dice él lo siguiente sobre el momento en el que solicitó formar parte del Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP, o Partido Nacionalsocialista Obrero Alemán) en 1931: “I think now that […] my reaction to ...

    • Ángela Uribe Botero
    • 2012
  4. In spite of his powerful positions and his close association with Hitler, Speer claimed at Nuremberg that he had always remained ignorant of most of the Nazi crimes.

  5. Speer's assertion that he was relatively independent of Hitler's influence contributed to these interpretations, for if one sets aside any consideration of Hitler's role in Nazi architecture, it is much easier to think of Speer's work as part of a continuum.

    • Barbara Lane
  6. <p>Albert Speer remains the most mysterious character of the leadership of the Nazi regime. He was the chief architect of the Third Reich and Adolf Hitler's confidant. Speer built the "Reichskanzlei" (official offices), discovered the "Lightdome" and was finally, in 1942, named as the minister for arms. But he characterised himself as apolitical, called Hitler's hatred of Jews an anomaly, and ...

  7. narcissistic relation between Speer & Hitler projected by the docudrama. Indeed, Breloer and his co-author Horst Königstein show the two figures in an extremely close, homoerotically charged relationship, at once sat-