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  1. anything else. "Anything else" es una forma de "anything else", una frase que se puede traducir como "algo más". "Something else" es una frase que se puede traducir como "otra cosa". Aprende más sobre la diferencia entre "something else" y "anything else" a continuación. I was going to buy you a car for your birthday, but I decided to go ...

  2. QUICK ANSWER. "Anything else" is a form of "anything else", a phrase which is often translated as "algo más". "Something else" is a phrase which is often translated as "otra cosa". Learn more about the difference between "something else" and "anything else" below. something else(. suhm.

  3. 15 de nov. de 2005 · Both are grammatically OK. In many circumstances, either is correct - with the following variations in meaning - exaggerated to make the point. Do you need anything? I really care about what you might need. If you tell me what you need, I will either get it for you, or help you to get it, or provide advice at least.

  4. Hoy os enseñamos el uso de: Any, anything, something, nothing, none… en inglés y que en Callan School of English comenzamos a trabajar a partir del stage 2. Any, anything, something, nothing, none… son palabras que debemos usar a menudo en inglés y que sin embargo muchas veces no estamos seguros de cuándo ni cómo utilizarlas y nos ...

  5. Diccionarios en línea - loving languages

  6. 27 de dic. de 2014 · something else的同義字When they're used in a question, the meanings are slightly different: "Would you like anything else?" = on top of what you currently have. "Would you like something else?" = instead of what you currently have. |"I want anything else." What I have now is bad, I will take anything, doesn't matter what. "I want something else." I probably know what I want or what kind of ...

  7. 17 de jul. de 2023 · The phrase "anything else" is commonly used to request additional information or to ask if there are more items or tasks to consider. This phrase enables us to extend conversations, provide a polite way to end them, or subtly imply that there is more than meets the eye. The main idea behind "anything else" is the possibility of more.